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汉译英 紧急求助啊~~

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 03:59:07
汉译英 紧急求助啊~~
西方人则认为dragon(龙)是邪恶的象征.在西方文化中,龙是一种凶猛的野兽.在《圣经》中, 与上帝作对的撒旦被称为“巨龙”(the great dragon),在英国的史诗“The Song of Beowulf”中, 里面的主人公就是因为除掉了邪恶的龙而成为了众人缅怀的英雄.英语中dragon一词多与凶猛、专制力量有关,
部分动物名在中英文当中具有相同的内涵.狐狸(fox):在中西方故事中狐狸的形象总是奸诈狡猾的.在中文中经常提到“一只狡猾的狐狸”,在英文中会说“ a cunning fox”.
鹦鹉(parrot):中西方国家的人都认为鹦鹉能够代表那些只会模仿别人而没有自己见解的人.因此英文中的短语“talk like a parrot”对应于中文的“鹦鹉学舌”
在很大程度上, 中西方文化背景的差异是导致动物在中西方语言中内涵不同的原因,多了解不同的文化背景知识,运用翻译理论及在实践中得到的技巧,能够使翻译更加准确生动,促进中西方的交流合作.希望这堂课能够对大家有所帮助,谢谢.
The western people, however, regard dragon as the symbol of evil. In the western culture, dragon is a fierce beast. In the Bible, Satan, who goes against God, is called the great dragon. In the English epic The Song of Beowulf, the reason why the hero is honored is that he has got rid of the evil dragon. Therefore, the English word dragon is mostly related to fierceness and autocratic power.
parts of animals have the same connotations in the Chinese and Enlish languages. Take fox for example, the image of is always cunning and treacherous. In Chinese, we often say“一只狡猾的狐狸"; and in Enlish, we will say “ a cunning fox”.
And another example is parrot. People in both the Chinese and Western countries think parrots represent the people who can only imitate others instead of having their own ideas. So the Enlish phrase "talk like a parrot" corresponds to Chinese "鹦鹉学舌".
To a large extent, the differences of cultural backgrounds between China and western countries are the reasons which lead to the differences between the Chinese and western languages. Having a knowledge of different cultural backgrounds, and making use of translation theory and the skills from practice will make your translation more accurate and vivid, promoting the communication and cooperation between Chinese and the western countries. Hope this lesson will be helpful to you. Thank you!