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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:12:56
非言语礼仪.非言语沟通是指不通过语言而传达出意思的沟通.有关研究表明,一个人所用的词语远不及形体语言所传递的信息重要.据研究者估计,观众只能听懂整个信息的实际内容的10%,大约30%归功于一个讲话人声音的高音和次中音,60%的信息来源于非言语交流.非言语礼仪包括目光礼仪,面部表情礼仪,手势礼仪,身体空间礼仪及沉默礼仪.非言语礼仪是一门真正的艺术 — 主要由于它随着文化的不同而有很大的出入.在一种文化中的欢乐的手势,可能在另一种文化中表示粗野的侮辱.点头,在中国、美国和加拿大,表示“同意”.但在保加利亚和尼泊尔,点头表示“不同意”.同日本人讲话时,他们点头仅表示“理解”,并不表示“同意”.美国人认为眼睛正视对方是诚实和真诚的象征;而在日本和中国则认为是不礼貌的.
Etiquette is international business negotiation is an important part of each participant must abide by the rules, but because between countries of the cultural differences in one country businessman appropriate etiquette, to the other country businessman appears inappropriate, even is considered, which produce misunderstanding, friction, sometimes have cause the commercial negotiations fail. As an international business negotiations personnel, understand the cultural differences and adopt corresponding measures becomes very important.
? ? a, international business negotiations etiquette and cultural differences overview
? ? etiquette is to point to in interpersonal interaction among the beginning with certain, customary procedures and expressing the self-restraint and respect for individual integrity behavior. "Business negotiation etiquette, is refers to the long-term business negotiation association the process, satisfy the adaptability of catering to culture formed the standard of conduct or activity.
? ? international business negotiation etiquette is the role of a self-restraint, 2 it is respect for others, the third is to reflect a nation's civilization. So-called self-restraint, even with a certain etiquette to regulate their own behavior, demonstrated good intrinsic tutelage, not only make yourself confident, and win respect. So-called respect for others, is through certain etiquette, better to express respect each other, friendly and goodwill, enhance mutual trust and friendship. So-called reflect a nation's civilization, and because of international business negotiations are cross-border business activity, it is not just the individual behavior, and is a national behavior. Appropriate etiquette in a certain extent reflect a nation, a nation's civilization, education and society as a whole.
? ? culture typically refers to all human knowledge and customs of the aggregate. And cultural differences refers to different countries, different regions, different nationalities in history, economy, culture, traditions and customs of the differences. For international business negotiations of cultural differences, generally should adopt admit, understanding and respect the attitudes and principles.
? ? international business negotiation etiquette for the major forms: dress etiquette, meet the etiquette, negotiate etiquette and gift etiquette.
? ? ? ? ? ? negotiate etiquette
? ? business negotiation process, it is both sides negotiate process. Any successful negotiation, all is the two parties shall negotiate in results. And any negotiations, has certain etiquette. Want to negotiate the success, you must abide by negotiation etiquette.
? ? language etiquette. Language is human exchange of information system of signs. Negotiation language must be accomplished already appropriate and polite. The so-called right, is according to the negotiations, the clear need explicit, the fuzzy fuzzy. So-called polite words, action, is courtesy, abandon harsh words, humiliating words.
? ? nonverbal etiquette. Nonverbal communication is one that is not through language and conveys meaning of communication. Relevant research shows that a personal use words than body language message important. According to the researchers estimate that the audience can only understand the whole information of the actual content of 10%, about 30% attributed to a speaker voice treble and times the mediant, 60% of the information derived from non-verbal communication. Nonverbal etiquette including eye etiquette, facial expressions, gestures, body etiquette space etiquette and etiquette silence etiquette. Nonverbal etiquette is a real art - mainly because it along with different cultures differ greatly. In a culture of gestures, may the joy in another culture said rough insult. Nod, in China, the United States and Canada, said "agree". But in Bulgaria and Nepal, nodding means "do not agree. The Japanese talk, they nod says only "understanding", it doesn't mean "agree". Americans believe that eyes look the person is honest and sincere; symbol But in Japan and China is considered impolite.
? ? anyhow, international business negotiation etiquette is international business personnel must abide by the code of conduct. But since countries of the cultural differences of a country and courteous behavior, in another country might be impolite. As a successful business negotiations personnel, in front of which culture, proper manners means that in respect of the premise, keep your own values, do not need to imitate it may humble etiquette to impress the other countries, just know each other's cultures, familiar with cultural differences, lest disrespect, offend each other, or unhappy, cause the commercial negotiations fail
This article for wants to know cross-culture business communication the basic theory and practice experience of many scholars offers the ideal platform and content covers the cultural differences, culture and communication, commercial interests and intercultural business negotiation content can help the reader understand the world about intercultural business communication, the basic theory and develop the corresponding reading ability, accumulated a certain number of specialized training in English vocabulary, discussion and express related content ability.
英语翻译要是有那种可以整篇翻译的工具就请把链接发上来,礼仪是国际商务谈判的重要组成部分,是每个参与者必须遵守的规则,可由 英语翻译礼仪是国际商务谈判的重要组成部分,是每个参与者必须遵守的规则,是社会文明最直接最全面的表现方式.可由于国与国之间 英语翻译国际商务谈判,是国际商务活动中不同的利益主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程.国际商务谈判是 英语翻译国际商务谈判的含义国际商务谈判,是国际商务活动中不同的利益主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过 英语翻译礼仪国际商务谈判实际上也可以说是人与人之间的交流活动.人们之间的交往要符合一定的礼仪规范.在商业谈判中,懂的必要 英语翻译最低目标,是商务谈判必须实现的目标,是谈判人员在谈判中所要达到目标的最低限度,是企业所能够承受的最大让步 高手请 英语翻译我们可以看到,在国际商务谈判中,不管是语言沟通还是非语言沟通,都可能给谈判活动带来障碍.因此,要取得谈判的成功, 国际商务谈判的英文参考文献 英语翻译本文就文化差异的定义,结合其在商务谈判的意义,分析产生文化差异的原因,探讨应对国际商务谈判中文化差异问题的策略. 大家帮我找一个案例。英文的。是关于我国际商务谈判的。我要做个演讲。内容如下:从一个国际商务谈判的... 英语翻译并翻译:04级实用英语 摘要 礼仪是人与人之间交流的规则,是一种语言,也是一种工具.中西方有着截然不同的礼仪文化 英语翻译中国的传统节日形式多样,内容丰富,是我们中华民族悠久的历史文化的一个组成部分.拿翻译工具凑分的就别发上来了!``