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英语翻译我所选择的两篇文章是The Razor 和 Just leather,that’s all.我将用他们来经行比较

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 15:28:41
我所选择的两篇文章是The Razor 和 Just leather,that’s all.我将用他们来经行比较然后完成我的论文.这两篇文章他们的作者分别是hernando tellez 和 vladimir nabokov.因为这是两篇不同的文章所以他们的传输理念 故事背景 还有 都会有所不同.
The razor 的主角名字叫IVANOV.他是一个非常专业的barber 他拥有一间属于自己的 barbershop.在故事的结尾 他放走了那个bald man,虽然bald man以前虐待过他 惩罚过他 但是IVANOV觉得不管他之前对我做了什么那都是过去,他已经收到了我的惊吓,这就算做我对他的惩罚,这就足够了.上面是IVANOV对这件事的态度跟看法在 The razor 这篇文章里面.不同的是在另外一篇文章 Just leather,that’s all里面主角虽然也是一位barber但是他和razor里面的barber有着不同的看法.这篇文章是讲了一位captain来barbershop to have a sharp.在故事结尾,barber并没有杀了这位captain,但是他不杀这位captain的原因是如果我杀了他,这将是一个非常懦夫的行为,我只是一个barber 我的工作就是给客人sharp.虽然我有机会可以非常轻而易举地杀了他,但是我没有.虽然他杀了许多我的家人和朋友们,但是他是一名士兵,士兵要服从长官的命令所以,我知道他也是被迫无奈就像他所说的杀一个人没那么简单.这就是为什么我选择了让他离开而不是在我有机会的时候杀了他.虽然这两个故事的主角都是barber,但是当他们遇到自己的仇人时,所表达的想法和给我们传输的观念都是不一样的.
还有一个地方两篇文章有着非常大的不同就是,这位Bald man事先并不知道这位barber就是当年他虐待的人,他只是想来barbershop to have a sharp,所发生的一切完全出于他的意料之外.所以他收到了很大的惊吓,才非常狼狈的落荒而逃从IVANOV那.不同于上一篇的文章在Just lather that’s all里面这位captain已经知道了这位barber想杀了他,当barber知道了他的身份后,仿佛他是抱着一种试探性的目的来到barbershop.
I have chosen two articles is The Razor and Just leather, that 's all. I will compare and then use them to The line finish my paper. They are the author of these two article hernando tellez and vladimir nabokov. Because this is two different article so their transmission concept The story background There will be different.
Name The leading role of The razor IVANOV. He is a very professional barber he owns a belongs to own barbershop. At the end of the story He let the bald man, although the bald man has abused his punishment before him But IVANOV felt that no matter what he did to me before it was all in the past, he has received my terrors, this even if do I to his punishment, this is enough. Above is IVANOV attitude and views on this matter on The razor in this article. Different is in another article Just leather, that 's all hero inside although is a barber but his razor and the barber has a different view.This article is about a captain to barbershop and a sharp. At the end of story, barber did not kill the captain, but he did not kill the captain of the reason is that if I killed him, this will be a very coward behavior, I'm just a barber sharp my job is to give the guests. Although I had the opportunity to can very easily killed him, but I didn't. Although he killed many of my family and friends, but he is a soldier, soldiers will obey chief executive orders so I know he is forced to kill someone but just like what he said is not so simple.That is why I chose to let him leave, not when I had the opportunity to kill him. Although the leading role of these two stories are the barber, but when they meet their enemy, expressed by the ideas and give us the idea of transmission is not the same.
There is also a place two articles have very big difference is that the Bald man doesn't know beforehand the barber was his abuse, he just wanted to barbershop and a sharp, all is completely out of his unexpected. So he received a lot of scared, just so embarrassed fled from IVANOV. Is different from the previous article in Just lather that's all inside the captain already knew the barber wanted to kill him, when the barber know his identity, as if he is the purpose of holding a tentative came to the barbershop.