作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 23:56:32
Scene One ~ Campus
A: Hey, guy! Long time no see! How is it going?
B: What a coincidence! It's fabulous.
A: How is your exam? Did you do well in your exam?
B: Well, not really. But I am told that Tom did well in the exam.
A: That's impossible. He must have cheated.
B: I don't really think so. In my opinion, he must have cram before the exam. A little bird told me he burned the midnight oil.
A: Well, the vacation is coming. How about going traveling?
B: That is a nice idea. Would you like to travel with the agency or by yourself?
A: I'd prefer the travel agency.
B: I know there is a travel agency is very very good. Let's go there!
A: OK, let's go.
Scene Two ~ Travel Agency
C: Welcome to Big Billy's Travel Agency. May I help you?
A: Yes, please. We want to go to Japan.
C: OK, what kind of tours do you have? By the air or by the sea?
A: We wanna go there by the air.
C: OK, we have a Two Months Trip tomorrow.
B: Don't you think it is too long?
A: Yes. Sorry, do you have a One Month Trip?
C: Sure, we have one this evening.
A: OK, what's the total price?
C: Do you need a guide?
B: Of course, we'd like the bestguide.
C: Sure, all the guides in our agency are the best in the world. We serve nothing but the best. And that is $100,000 in all.
A: Here it is.
C: Thank you. And she is your guide. Her name is Sunny.
D: Nice to meet you. Let's go to the airport.
AB: Nice to meet you too.
Scene Three ~ Hotel
E: Welcome to Japan! What can I do for you?
D: We want a double room and a single room. Is there any room available tonight?
E: Of course. We have a standard double room, a standard single room, a double room with king size bed, and a single room with king size bed. Which one would you like to check in?
D: OK, we will check in the room with king size bed. What's the rate for a night?
E: It is $1,000 for a double room with king size bed, and it's $800 for a single room with king size bed. And the breakfast is free. On every weekends we also serve continent breakfast.
D: OK, we will live here for a month. Could you please give us a discount?
E: Sure. You will get a 20% percent discount. And will be $43,200 in all.
D: Here is the money.
E: Hey, John. Please take them to the Room 7474741 and the Room 250.
Scene Four ~ Scenic Spot
D: Good morning buddy! Today, we are going to visit the very famous museum in Japan. Let's go!
A: Wow! These items are amazing! May I take pictures here?
D: Of course.
B: And shall we use the flash lamp?
D: I am afraid that I can't.
B: OK, fine.
A: Sunny, would you take a picture for us here?
D: Certainly! What would you like in the background?
A: We would get the semi-fall in the background.
D: OK! Three, two, one. Say "Cheese"!
AB: Cheese!
Scene Five ~ Clothing Store
D: OK, today is the last day of our trip. Let's go shopping.
AB: Great!
F: Hi, may I help you?
B: Yes, please. I want a shirt.
F: OK, what size do you want?
B: Size Five.
F: And what color do you like?
B: Blue.
F: Sorry, we are out of this size of blue shirt. How about this white one. White is in fashion now.
A: It must be good on you.
B: Well, I don't really like the color.
A: Fine, ,may I try it on?
F: Sure.
A: Is it beautiful on me?
F: My gee. If here were a castle, you would be the princess, my majesty!
A: Thank you! How much is it?
F: It is a little bit costly. It is $100,000,000.
A: Well, it is costly, may I have a discount?
F: Sorry, we sell nothing but the best. And it is on sale now.
A: OK, I will take it. Here is my credit card.
F: Thanks. You are welcomed anytime!
A: Oh my gosh! I am broke!