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求一篇雅思作文Should a city to preserve its old,historic buildings

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 08:33:39
Should a city to preserve its old,historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?
再问: 尽量早一点~ 感谢
再答: =.=加点悬赏吧!!!字数超过了你快点追问我,我把後两段再给你!!! 1 Many governments nowadaysprefer removing the out-of-fashion buildings whose productivity and efficiencyare quite low, and then build hi-tech firms as well as commercial institutionsto make more money as soon as possible. However, I totally disagree with thispolicy, because some invisible advantages are damaged in the long run. 2 Without historicbeauties, we lose not only the access to traditions and cultures, but also apart of our spirits. Students cannot feel in the same way like our ancestors did,if they are only able to read ancient stories in reference books instead ofseeing or touch the real historical things. It is true to say modern people areless sensitive to feel emotions, because they simply focus on how many profits can be made by a chemical plant today but not how many flowers were killed bythe building of factories yesterday, so does history.
再问: 提高悬赏了~
再答: 3 How can a great numberof emotionless citizens concentratemore on protecting historic things insteadof earning more materialisticbenefits? As far as I am concerned, governmentsought to give some subsidies toart galleries and museums first, and offer compulsorycourses about howinvaluable the ancient heritages are to every person in thecity in order tomake them feel the sense of responsibility.4 In the final place,here I want to emphasize that destroying the symbols of our past time isdoingnothing good to the future, as all we need to do is to remember it for lookingforward. 抱歉前两天没上网...●▽●