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英语翻译By the water,there is a small pink dot of a helium ballo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 01:11:11
By the water,there is a small pink dot of a helium balloon,bobbing in the intermittent breeze.The balloon is key.It was given to you by Pink Flamingo,a pizza parlor down the nearby Rue Bichat,whose bicycle deliveryman will use it as a beacon to locate you and present the five pies you’ve ordered (10.50 to 16 euros each).They’re not all for you,of course — you’ve got friends to help eat the pizza and drink the four bottles of red wine (40 euros) you picked up from Le Verre Vole,a wine bar across the canal.
And you,you’ll take off on foot,up along the canal toward Belleville,where Asian,Arab and African immigrants live alongside artists and yuppies and bobos.And you’ll climb the stairs at the Hipotel Paris Belleville and collapse into the single bed of your Spartan room,not caring that the toilet is in a smelly closet down the hall,because the sheets are clean,the rate is dirt cheap and you’ve just experienced the most wonderful,traditional and frugal activity in the City of Light — the picnic.
在河边,有一个粉红色的小小的氦气球在微风中飘荡.它是由一家位于Rue Bichat附近的名叫火烈鸟的披萨店给你的礼物.披萨店的外卖员会根据气球来确认你的位置并将你刚才预定的5个派(单价在10.5欧至16欧之间)送给你.当然,这些派不是单单给你的,你得找朋友来跟你一起吃掉披萨,还有一瓶你从运河对面的一间名叫le Verre Vole的酒吧里得到的价值40欧元的红酒.
然后,你徒步出发,沿着运河前往Belleville(是巴黎一家酒店的名字),那里是亚洲、阿拉伯和非洲移民(艺术家、年轻人、中产阶级)聚居的地方.你将会走过Hipotel Paris Belleville的台阶,倒在你的简陋房间里的单人床上.毫不关心大厅最深处散发着气味的厕所,因为床单是干净的,租金是便宜的,而你,刚刚在光明之城经历了最棒的、传统又价廉的事情--野餐.