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I did very hardly at school求翻译不用答案

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/20 08:08:10
I did very hardly at school求翻译不用答案
I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was useless and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be (31) but a failure(失败者).
After five years of poor jobs, I fell (32) with a very nice girl. But her mother said to me, “You’ve (33) in everything you’ve ever done. You can’t give any happiness to my daughter!” It wa s the frustrating thing that could have changed me later. I decided to do something (34) about my life, because I wanted to show her that what people said about me was (35) .
So I tried hard with my writing and went to college. My first book came out while I was at college. After college (36) during the day in high schools and went to evening classes at college. Later, I gave up that job to write full time. At the same time, I was offered a part¬-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel (38) of myself –here was once a poor boy who’d left school early, now teaching at the university. My writing career(生涯) (39 when I discovered my own style.
Now I’m rich and (40) , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. But what does that mean? I just wish all the people who have put me down had said: “I believe in you. You’ll succeed.”
再问: 我也不知道空应该填什么,正在做题呢,老师让明天上课翻译,还有三篇文章呢- -网上可以找到原题,输入前几个单次就可以,不过我想自己做,你可以填上之后再翻译,但不用告诉我,而且不和上楼一样,用的是百度在线互译,麻烦了,我自己翻译到第二段了
再答: 从第三段开始翻译的,自己翻译的,没有用翻译器: 所以我努力写作并且去了大学。在大学我的第一本出版了。高中毕业后的大学生活每天去上晚自习。后来我放弃了那个工作,我的时间全部写作了。同时,我在利兹大学做了一份兼职工作。我开始感觉到我自己又是一个早早离开学校的贫穷的小男孩,现在在大学教书。当我发现我自己的风格时我的写作生涯结束了。 现在我很富有而且有名,已经出现在电视上,并且见到很过影星。但是那又意味着什么?我只希望所有人放下曾经的我并且对我说:“我相信你,你会成功。”
再问: 我开始感觉到我自己又是一个早早离开学校的贫穷的小男孩,现在在大学教书。 这句我和你翻译不同,我的翻译是 我开始为我曾是一个贫穷的小男孩,现在却在大学教学感到自豪,我觉得我的比较对,而且当我发现我自己的风格时我的写作生涯结束了。英语短语是起飞,我的翻译是当我发现我的风格时我的写作生涯已经开始起飞,咱们两个谁的对呢?我会加财富的。顺便问一下from time to time是什么意思?
再答: 我觉得你是对的 因为我翻译的时候也觉得有点问题 from time to time时常,有时,不时
再问: 原来如此,请问你还有时间么,有时间的话我还有一篇文章,可以追分,没时间我就选最佳了
再答: 你不怕我能力不够吗 不过我有时间 可以消磨~你换个问题 别追问
再问: 换个问题找得到么?我还没翻译到第三篇文章呢,第二篇简单我就自己翻译了,而且坑的是第三篇是改编的- -
再答: 好吧 那我怕是不行了 你选最佳好了