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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 02:44:22
Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher
“My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.
So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him - but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader
Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.
Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can - how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.
Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tell him they are wrong.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to every one, but teach him also to filters all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.
Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never.
Punished by Rewards
This book by Alfie Kohn strikes at the heart of the conventional rewards system that is entrenched in our schools and our society.

Although rewards require little effort to administer and yield immediate results, they do not address the underlying problems that will remain unresolved in the long run. Kohn identifies five key problems with the use of rewards:
• The rewards system is basically used as a controlling tool to elicit desirable behavior. Students who feel that their teachers control them will not develop a natural incentive to study.
• The rewards system intensifies the imbalance of power, and thus increases the distance between teachers and students. Knowing that their teachers are always judging their work will generate feelings of anxiety and stress, thus lowering the quality of their performance.
• The use of the rewards system does not address the underlying causes of the problem.
• The rewards system undermines creativity and innovation by rewarding individuals who conform to expected standards of behavior.
• Ultimately, the rewards system destroys people's enjoyment of activities and replaces intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation. Essentially, when people are intrinsically motivated to perform tasks, they do not need to be given a reward for doing so.

According to Kohn, even praise may have a negative impact on children's performances. Fundamentally, praise cultivates the children's dependency on the opinions of others. Children who are overpraised perform in order to please their parents or other adult figures. In the long run, they lose their sense of identity and intrinsic motivation for performing activities they once enjoyed.
In contrast to the tacit control imposed by the rewards system, the three Cs - content, collaboration and choice - provide alternative guidelines for dealing with non-compliance of children.
First, educators and other adults must consider whether the content is developmentally appropriate. Such content should meet the needs and interests of the children.
Second, collaboration should be encouraged, thereby empowering children, and encouraging their involvement in the learning experience.
Finally, choice is a component that enables children to take part in the decision-making process.
Ultimately, Kohn has painted a powerful vision of children who will grow up to become responsible and intrinsically motivated adults. Their self-image will not be dependent on rewards and praises from authority figures. Rather, they will possess the passion and strength necessary for their vocation in life. This future, however, can only be realized if the current rewards system is replaced by an alternative perspective that truly nurtures the growth of young children.
Memo From A Child To Parents

1. Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all I ask for. I'm only testing you.
2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it, it makes me feel secure.
3. Don't let me form bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.
4. Don't make me feel smaller than I am. It only makes me behave stupidly "big".
5. Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it. I'll take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.
6. Don't make me feel that my mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.
7. Don't protect me from consequences. I need to learn the painful way sometimes.
8. Don't be too upset when I say "I hate you". Sometimes it isn't you I hate but your power to thwart me.
9. Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get me the attention I need.
10. Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
11. Don't forget that I cannot explain myself as well as I should like. That is why I am not always accurate.
12. Don't put me off when I ask questions. If you do, you will find that I stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.
13. Don't be inconsistent. That completely confuses me and makes me lose faith in you.
14. Don't tell me my fears are silly. They are terribly real and you can do much to reassure me if you try to understand.
15. Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too great a shock when I discover that you are neither.
16. Don't ever think that it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm towards you.
17. Don't forget I love experimenting. I couldn't get along without it, so please put up with it.
18. Don't forget how quickly I am growing up. It must be very difficult for you to keep pace with me, but please do try.
19. Don't forget that I don't thrive without lots of love and understanding, but I don't need to tell you, do I?
20. Please keep yourself fit and healthy. I need you.
1. 不要娇惯我.我知道的非常清楚,不是我要什么就该得到什么的.有时我只是在试探你.
2. 不要害怕在我面前坚持你的立场.我其实更喜欢你这样,因为这使我有安全感.
3. 不要让我养成坏毛病.只有你才能在把它们消灭在萌芽状态.
4. 不要让我感觉自己比实际要小,那样只能使我愚蠢地去充“大”个.
5. 如果有可能,不要当众教训我.如果你在私下悄悄跟我说,我会更加注意的.
6. 不要让我感觉自己犯的错误就像犯了罪一样,那只能搞乱我的价值观.
7. 不要阻止我承担后果,有时我需要从教训中学习.
8. 当我说“我恨你”时,不要生气.有时我恨的不是你,我恨的只是你那令我感到很渺小的权威.
9. 我得了小病时,不要太在意我.有时生病可以使我得到我所需要的关注.
10. 不要啰啰嗦嗦的.如果你那样的话,我只能通过装聋作哑来保护自己.
11. 不要忘记,有时我会词不达意.这也是为什么我有时不能准确地表达自己.
12. 当我问问题时,不要不耐烦.否则,你会发现我不再问你问题,而是从别的地方寻找答案.
13. 不要出尔反尔,这样只能是我疑惑,并对你失去信任.
14. 不要对我说我的恐惧是可笑的.它们是真真实实的,如果你能理解我,你就能更好地安慰我.
15. 永远不要暗示你是完美的和不会犯错误的.否则当我发现事实与此相反时,我会感到很震惊的.
16. 永远不要认为向我道歉有损你的尊严.一个诚实的道歉会使我感到温暖并加深我们的感情.
17. 不要忘了我喜欢尝试.如果我不尝试就寸步难行,所以请你包容.
18. 不要忘了我长得很快.你肯定觉得与我俱进非常困难,但是还是请你努力去做.
19. 不要忘了离开了厚爱和理解我不会茁壮成长,但是,这一点我不需要提醒你把?
20. 请保持身体健康,因为我需要你.
Premier Wen's Most Moving, 30 Pieces of Words in the Earthquake Area
Sars,Mining Accident,Ice damage,Earthquake, ... , Premier Wen emerged repeatedly in the front line of disaster recovery, revealed sufficiently the style of a popular leader in recent years. We are very moved by having such a good premier! Premier Wen's profound feeling of the people was expressed deeply in his deeds and words. Now let us aftertaste collectively the 30 pieces of his words which are the most moving in the earthquake area. So long as all the public men and earthquake relief staff can follow the example of Premier Wen, we will certainly win a complete victory in this time of the earthquake-proof and disaster relief struggle, and after the catastrophe we will welcome in a favorable turn and our new lease of lives.
1. It is the people who support your live; what do you do, only by your own decision.
2. I do not care how do you like, I only need only the 100,000 people able to be out of danger; it is an order.
3. Now our primary task is seizing time by the forelock to save people; striving for more than a single minute, even a single second of time may be possible to free more than one trapped person.
4. I am your grandpa Wen; dear children, you must stand firm and fight to the end! I believe you will be saved.
5. Even though only one percent of the hope we shall also do our best with the effort of one hundred percent, and will absolutely not be relaxed. Even though only one person was still imbedded under the heap of ruins, we must rescue him in the end.
6. Since you have survived in this terrible catastrophe, you must live on with good lives. Isn't it?
7. First is still to save people, the focal point of the rescue is at the severely afflicted area, the centre of the earthquake and the corners, which are unable to contact with now.
8. We must enter the ruins using every possible means and as early as possible. One second early is able to rescue one person to survive.
9. Every thing is for the people.
10. I give the remains three bows.
11. In the face of natural calamity, the most important of all is calm, confidence, courage and vigorous command.
12. Houses have cracked and collapsed, we can build them again. So long as people exist, we can surely tide over difficulties and conquer the major natural disaster.
13. Now our first mission is to rescue people. Giving emergency treatment to people's life is the top priority in this time of anti-quake struggle and relief work. We must make the best use of time. So long as having a faint flash of surviving opportunity, we will strive with hundredfold effort.
14. Time is live; we must make every effort to rescue people.
15. In face of the severe trial, we must develop the spirit of not afraid of loss and fatigue. Time is exactly the life; rushing to deal with such emergency and saving people in time cannot be delayed even a very short moment. I expect sincerely that the majority of cadres and soldiers must shoulder this heavy responsibility and I believe firmly without any doubt that in this great struggle of the anti-quake struggle and relief work the comrades here can surely endure through this extraordinary trial.
16. Now it is raining and the weather is very cold. Everybody of you will suffer hardships again, yet at present you must persist in the key time for a short while. Only need to passing through a short period, the situation will take a turn for the better, to that time all of you are able to return home.
17. Must learn how to exist in catastrophe, must be stronger. Must be keeping survive more effectively, more cherish life, cherish time and cherish everything.
18. Houses and homes collapsed, it can be rebuilt; having no food, which will be sent here quickly; schools should be built again, and that will be better than original and you can study continually.
19. I should take good care of you.
20. Government needs to charge of your living, you stay here is just like staying at home.
21. We must take saving people as the first step, need uninterruptedly working hard to extricate them and not hesitating to adopt any method and pay any price. The officers and men of the People's Liberation Army must overcome all difficulties, even walking on foot they also must go to the hardest-hit areas.
22. You are suffering. Since taking place the earthquake, Party Central Committee and State Council are very concerned with the Wenchuan people and from instant to instant worried about this district. We want to use all methods to extricate the wounded persons.
23. Having seen your existing difficulties, having seen many of the dead and wounded we are very grieved in minds. Now we will just try to do everything possible to save people, taking saving people as the first of the rescue and relief work.
24. The mountain can be moved but it cannot destabilize the Chinese people's determination of anti-quake struggle and relief work; the water can be blocked, but it cannot block compatriot's passion between the inland and Hong Kong people.
25. Don't feel bad, don't feel bad! Dear villagers,this earthquake is significantly affected. Numerous people are afflicted by this natural disaster and the situation of disaster in Beichuan County is most serious. You have lost your close relatives. Same as you I am also with a heavy heart. Your aches and pains are exactly ours; here, I offer my condolences to the deceased.
26. We have lost our close relatives; however the living people must survive on and should also live better. Facing with the calamity, the most important thing is the determination to triumph over the disaster. We, everyone all having a pair of hand, must make great efforts together to build our new houses and cultivate our children better. Our happy new lives are exactly the greatest comfort to the deceased. I believe, this generation of and their descendants will live better and better.
27. I come to the disaster area already for five days, almost coming up to all heavy disaster areas in Sichuan Province. I am deeply moved by the spirit of taking the interests of the whole into account, unity and mutual assistance and being selfless and fearless, which are expressed by people affected by this disaster although they are facing with heavy difficulties. I also feel heavy grieve for the people who had been taken away their lives by the earthquake disaster, so I must offer my silent condolence to them. However lives must generally be going on continuously. I believe, the people in the disaster areas can certainly build up their native place better, can build up our country better.
28. Our party and State have never to forget the stricken remote mountain villages. They will guarantee everyone having food to eat, having water to drink, having tent to reside, and having disease able to be cured. Government will grant allowances to the people,whose houses were collapsed or destroyed, for building it again. But everybody should also keep up his spirit, holding on and being strong and helping each other to rebuild their homeland.
29. In front of the disaster the most important thing is keeping willpower, confidence and courage. Earthquake destroyed our houses, but it cannot destroy our will. Students should straighten your backs, study hard, and work hard perseveringly, using your own hands to build up your homeland more splendid. We musthave such confidence and courage.
30. Dear villagers! The earthquake brings tremendous loss to us, the houses being collapsed, personals being injed or died. But even so large disaster did not discourage the great majority of our cadres and masses. So long as we are of one heart and one mind, making concerted efforts, we will be able to triumph over the calamity.