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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/04 20:01:04
马棚里住着一匹老马和一匹小马.有一天,老马对小马说:“你已经长大了,能帮妈妈做点事吗?”小马连蹦带跳地说:“怎么不能?我很愿意帮您做事.”老马高兴地说:“那好啊,你把这半口袋麦子驮到磨坊去吧.” 小马驮起口袋,飞快地往磨坊跑去.跑着跑着,一条小河挡住了去路,河水哗哗地流着.小马为难了,心想:我能不能过去呢?如果妈妈在身边,问问她该怎么办,可是离家很远了.小马向四周望望,看见一头老牛在河边吃草,小马“嗒嗒嗒”跑过去,问道:“牛伯伯,这条河,我能趟过去吗?”老牛说:“水很浅,刚没小腿,能趟过去.” 小马听了老牛的话,立刻跑到河边,准备过去.突然,从树上跳下一只松鼠,拦住他大叫:“小马!别过河,别过河,你会淹死的!”小马吃惊地问:“水很深吗?”松鼠认真地说:“深的很哩!昨天,我的一个伙伴就是掉在这条河里淹死的!”小马连忙收住脚步,不知道怎么办才好.他叹了口气说:“唉!还是回家问问妈妈吧!” 小马甩甩尾巴,跑回家去.妈妈问他:“怎么回来啦?”小马难为情地说:“一条河挡住了去路,我……我过不去.”妈妈说:“那条河不是很浅吗?”小马说:牛伯伯也这么说.可是松鼠说河水很深,还淹死过他的伙伴呢!”妈妈说:“那么河水到底是深还是浅呢?你仔细想过他们的话吗?”小马低下了头,说:“没……没想过.”妈妈亲切地对小马说:“孩子,光听别人说,自己不动脑筋,不去试试,是不行的,河水是深是浅,你去试一试,就知道了.” 小马跑到河边,刚刚抬起前蹄,松鼠又大叫起来:“怎么?你不要命啦!”小马说:“让我试试吧!”他下了河,小心地趟到了对岸.原来河水既不像老牛说的那样浅,也不像松鼠说的那样深.
The little horse and the river
there lived an old horse and a little horse in the stable.One day,the old horse sad to the young horse:“you are old enough,would you like to do something for me?""Why not?I would love to do anything for you.""OK,Please carry the wheat to the miller.",He carried the wheat and left home .He was walking happily.When he came to a river,the mill was on the other side of the river and there was no bridges over the water.Now ,what would the little horse do looking at the flowing water,he got confused .Then he saw an old cow eating grass on the bank ,.So he asked him :“ uncle cow ,is the water deep And can I walk across it ” “ not at all !” the cow said .“It’s just as high as my lower legs ,you can go across it .It’s safe .” Then the little horse was ready to go across the water .Just then ,a squirrel in the tree shouted to him :“Little horse ,don’t go in the water .It’s too deep .You’ll get drawned ,and one of my friends got drawned in it a few days ago .” So the little horse drew back his legs quickly ,he had to go back to ask his mother what to do .When his mother heard his story ,she laughed and said to him :“ My child ,it’s not enough if you only listen to the others .you must try it by yourself ,then you ‘ll find the truth .”
The little horse came back to the river again .When he put his legs in the water again ,the squirrel cried out again :“ Little horse ,it’s dangerous ,you can’t do that !” “Let me have try.” The horse said .And with those words he walked carefully across the river .The water was neither that shallow as the cow had told him nor that deep as the squirrel had described .It was just OK for him .
英语翻译马棚里住着一匹老马和一匹小马.有一天,老马对小马说:“你已经长大了,能帮妈妈做点事吗?”小马连蹦带跳地说:“怎么 英语翻译"圣诞节来临了,我要为我那些可爱的孩子们准备圣诞礼物,我的小儿子对我说 他要一匹小马 除了这匹小马.他什么都不要 100匹马恰好拉了100片瓦,已知1匹大马能拉3片瓦,3匹小马能拉1片瓦,问有多少匹大马、多少匹小马 使句子更具体.例:小马(连蹦带跳)地说:“太好了!” 1.我( )地说:“让我去吧!” 2.明明( )地说:“我会默认了 100匹马100块瓦大马托三小马托两小马仔两托一个,问大马中马和小马分别是多少? 英语翻译圣诞节即将来临,我要为我那些可爱的孩子们准备圣诞礼物,我的小儿子对我说 他要一匹小马 除了这匹小马.他什么都不要 一百匹马,一百块瓦,大马驼三,老马驼两,三个小马驼一个.问大马,老马,小马各多少个? 小学题目小马从磨坊回来后,会对妈妈说什么的答案 100匹马恰好拉100片瓦,已知1匹大马能拉3片瓦,3匹小马能拉1片瓦,问多少匹大马、多少匹小马? 100匹马恰好拉了100片瓦,已知1匹大马能拉3片瓦,3匹小马能拉1片瓦,问有多少匹大马、多少匹小马 用假设法 一百匹马恰好拉了,一百片瓦,已知一匹大马能拉三片瓦,三匹小马能拉一片瓦,问有多少匹大马?多少匹小马?用二元一次方程组解答 100匹马,100块瓦,大马一匹驮三块,中马一匹驮两块,小马三匹驮一块,问,有大马中马小马个几匹?