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英语看图填词一篇 People today are always thinking about the time.The

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 08:06:19
People today are always thinking about the time.There never seems to be _1_ of it to do all the things that we want to do.Believe it or not,there was a time _2_ time became so important.It was enough to know that the _3_ was out,so it was day time.During those days,the clock wasn't in control of us.Doesn't that sound kind of _4_?
Time can mean a lot of different things.That's one way we know how important it is for us,because we have so many words about it!One _5_ amount of measurable(可测量的)time is called a second.When you put 60 seconds together,you get one _6_.If you take 60 of those minutes,you get one hour.The hands of the _7_ go all the way around twice in 24 hours,giving us one _8_.
If you want to look at time longer than one day,you give up the clock and look at a _9_ instead.There are about 30 days in one month.Some months have an _10_ day,and February has fewer.There are 12 months in one year.Time never stops.
搞定.至于图片,只是一副图 里边一个时钟 而已 就不送上了
再问: 不是 是看图填词 俺也十分纳闷
再答: 这 表示前面有几个做不来 比如说第四个空可以填的词很多啊 等我回家帮你瞧瞧哈
再问: ok thanks~
再答: 1.enough 2.when(这个不确定)3.sun 4.relief(不确定)5.? 6.minute 7.clock 8.day 9.calendar 10.additional
再问: 第4个 relief不是名词吗 kind of 后面不是要用形容词吗? During those days,the clock wasn't in control of us. 什么意思呢,后面那个差不多填什么意思的词下去?
再答: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/47092747.html这里有kind of 和a kind of 的区别哦 在那时候,我们不会被时钟控制 差不多这个意思 5那儿应该填个形容词