作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 07:09:35
One Saturday morning, an old man went into the market to buy something. He was dressed _16__ his coat worn(破旧不堪的) and his hat old. On his arm he carried a small__17__. “I wish to get a __18__ for tomorrow’s dinner,” he said. The market man showed him a fat one. “ Ah!That is _19__ what I want,” said the old man. “My wife will be _20____ with it.” He asked the price and paid for it. The market man packed it and put it in his basket. Just then a young gentleman __21__ the market. He also bought a turkey. When he asked the market man to send it to his __22__ at once, the market man _23___, “ My errand (跑腿) boy is sick today, and there is no one else. __24__, it is not our __25__ to deliver(递送) goods. It is not _26__, so you can carry it yourself.” The young gentleman began to grow _27___. “Carry it myself! Who do you think I am?” said the young gentleman. Hearing all that was said, the old man said, “Well, that is lucky. I __28__ to be going that way. I’ll carry your turkey, if you will _29___ me.” The young gentleman agreed happily. __30___ reaching the gentleman’s home, the old man politely handed him the turkey and turned to go. The young gentleman __31___ the old man. “Oh, it’s nothing, sir,” replied the old man. “It was no __32___ to me, and you are welcome.” He bowed and went on. The young gentleman stared after him and _33___. Then he walked hurriedly back to the market. “ Who is that __34___ old gentleman?” He asked the market man. “John Marshall, Chief Justice(首席大法官) of the USA,” the market man answered. The young gentleman was surprised and __35__. In fact, Mr Marshall taught us a lesson that no man should feel himself too fine to carry his own goods. 16. A; warmly B; simply C; normally D; difficultly 17. A; cage B; bag C; box D; basket 18. A; chicken B; duck C; turkey D; fish 19. A; just B: only C; always D; also 20. A; familiar B; satisfied C; busy D; bored 21. A; walked around B; searched for C; stepped into D; passed by 22. A; office B; farm C; hospital D; house 23. A; refused B; agreed C; hesitated D; continued 24. A; However B; Besides C; Therefore D; Instead 25. A; right B; intention C; custom D; rule 26. A; important B; dirty C; expensive D; heavy 27. A; angry B; sorry C; hungry D; depressed 28. A; hope B; happen C; regret D; choose 29. A; help B; employ C; allow D; pay 30. A; Until B; Unless C; Before D; When 31. A; thanked B; Praised C; stopped D; invited 32. A; expectation B; trouble C; surprise D; doubt 33. A; smiled B; imagined C; wondered D; waited 34. A; brave B; strange C; ordinary D; kind 35. A; shamed B; peaceful C; sad D; disappointed
解题思路: 完形填空技巧: 第一遍:略读文章主旨。 第二遍:先易后难,上下求索。 (注意上下文提示线索。词义辨析。词法搭配。上下句逻辑。 第三遍:代入答案复读全文,复核一遍,并攻克难关。
同学,你好! 答疑如下: (语篇导读:记叙文,小故事。一个去市场卖菜的穿着普通的老头,给一个懒惰的青年送东西到家。穿着普通的老头原来是个首席法官。) 16~20 BDCAB 21~25 CDABC 26~30 DABDD 31~35 ABCDA