作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 08:19:09
A store owner was putting up a sign above his
door that reads"Puppies for Sale."A little boy
came by."How much are you going to__1__the
puppies for?"he asked.The store owner replied,
"__2___from $30 to $50."The lieele boy reached
in his pocket and pulled out some__3__."I have
$2.37,"he said,"Can I please look at__4__?"The store owner__5___and whistled and out of the
small dog house__6___Lady,followed by five tiny
balls of fur.One puppy was dropping far behind.
__7____the little boy singled out the little
puppy far behind and said,"What's wrong with
that little dog?"The store owner__8____that the veterinarian(兽医)had examined the little
puppy.It would__9___be lame.The little boy
became__10___,"That ia the little puppy I want
to buy."The store owner said,"No,you don't want
to buy that little dog.__11___you really want
him,I will give him to you."The little boy got
quite___12___.He said,"I don't want you to give
him to me.That little dog is worth everybit as
__13_____as all the the other dogs and I will
pay full price,__14_____,I will give you $2.37
now,and 50 cents a month until I have him__15___."The store owner warned,"He is never going to
be able to run and__16___and play with you like
other puppies."
To this,the little boy reacher down and_17__
up his pant leg to show a badly twisted(扭曲的)
left leg__18____by a big metal brace.He looked
up at the store owner and__19____replied,"Well,
I don't run so well myself,and the little puppy
will need someone who___20_____."
1.A.buy B.pay C.sell D.charge
2.A.Anything B.Anywhere C.Anyone D.Anyhow
3.A.change B.paper C.bill D.cheque
4.A.it B.them C.another D.other
5.A.said B.stared C.smiled D.shouted
6.A.came B.went C.stood D.lay
7.A.Suddenly B.Immediately C.Luckily
8.A.expressed B.announced C.continued
9.A.always B.never C.often D.usually
10.A.puzzled B.worried C.excited
11.A.once B.Unless C.If D.Until
12.A.delighted B.upset C.satisfied
13.A.much B.many C.few D.little
14.A.what's more B.after for
C.in a word D.that is
15.A.cared for B.asked for
C.paid for D.sent for
16.A.climb B.junp C.rush D.talk
17.A.picked B.showed C.rolled D.put
18.A.raised B.depended C.tied D.supported
19.A.sadly B.softly C.proudly D.angrily
20.A.recognizes B.realizes C.trusts
1.被问,要用被动语态,故D.was asked
3.此句谓语表明是过去时,而且后面宾语是a rule,单数形式,则此处必须用B.There was
4.anybody damaged,who表示主动破坏桌子者,是主语,若选whom则是宾语,变成桌子破坏人了
6.in front of 在...前面,固定搭配
7.I had to,to后面必须跟动词原形,可排除过去式,后面宾语my father 前面没有to,所以只能tell sb sth,speak和say后面是to sb
9.这一次全校面前的被打已经是过去时了,在这一次之前被爸爸打,陈述的是过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时,故C.had had