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但生命的价值不仅仅就是它的破坏力量 ,其实 ,生命的价值更在于毁灭中的保存 、 破坏后的新生 .

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 02:25:43
但生命的价值不仅仅就是它的破坏力量 ,其实 ,生命的价值更在于毁灭中的保存 、 破坏后的新生 .
可以说 ,雪莱笔下的 “ 西风” 就是这样一个 “ 破坏者兼保护者” 的形象 :
实际上 ,雪莱是把自己的生命投入到对自然的咏唱之中的 .他自己的人格 ,便是 “ 西风” 这一自然形象的灵魂 .一方面是面向现实的诅咒揭露和无情的抨击 ,要破坏掉一切的丑恶束缚 ,一方面是要保存一切有价值的东西 ,满怀信心的憧憬未来 ,诗人就是这样追寻着他美好的明天 .据雪莱自己的说法 ,《西风颂》 这首诗是构思在弗罗伦斯附近阿诺河畔的一片树林里的 .那一天 ,孕育着一场暴风雨的暖和而又令人振奋的风在集合着常常倾泻下滂沱秋雨的云霭 ,不久即是狂风暴雨里夹带着冰雹以及气势宏伟的雷鸣电闪 ,激动的雪莱此时写出了该诗的主要部分 .应该说 ,诗人属于那种永远前进的力量 ,他把一个充满诗意光辉的 、 渴望创造然而又是不驯反叛的心灵 ,寄托在这 “ 西风” 之中了 ,他要为自己铸造一尊永恒的铜像 ,他要在这里获得永生 .雪莱非常重视个人的社会作用 ,尊重人性以及人的智慧创造 .“西风” — — — 它那摧枯拉朽之势既要荡涤一场丑恶 ,更要把希望的种籽传播 ,雪莱就是这样自信而又坚决地肯定着做为诗人的生命价值 .诗人是预言家 ,他既要以不竭的斗争精神带给人民以鼓舞 ,更要以自己对于光明的信念在黑暗中燃起火光 .“ 西风” 这一形象的历史价值在于 ,它是一个正在勃起的新时代的典型 ,一种新生命诞生的预
言 .从社会的角度说 ,雪莱恰好生活于这样的时代 :十几世纪初英国开始的工业革命本身就预言着一个新的时代即将到来 ,而当时存在的社会矛盾又显示了这个社会现实丑恶的一方面 ,于是一些诗人便用空想社会主义的政治理想来武装自己 ,在为反对封建和宗教统治 、 争取个性解放 ,“ 建立理性和永恒正义的王国” 的道路上前进 .从个人生命价值体现的角度讲 ,雪莱属于那种既要破坏 ,更要保存从而创造的充满活力的诗人 ,这表现于他的文学创作上 ,也表现于他实际生活中的种种作为上 .在他的生活中 ,我们看到虽然他不受任何束缚 ,勇敢地反叛一切 ,但他更有确定的目标 ,坚定地追求自己的理想 ,这在他的著名诗篇 《云》 中得到了很好的体现 ,云说 :“ 我高悬空中 ,似不透阳光的屋顶 ,柱石是崇山峻岭 .我挟带着冰雪 、 飓风 、 炽烈的焰火 ,穿越过凯旋门拱” .这在雷声中走过 ,威武而又强悍 ,但却是一朵为焦渴的鲜花带来甘霖 ,为绿叶披上凉荫的云 ,便是雪莱自己形象的写照 .这是一个美好 、 善良 、 却又冲动的灵魂 ,但这更是一个永远充满创造活力的不朽生命 .
But the value of life not only is its destructive force , in fact , the value of life but also in the destruction of preservation , after the destruction of the newborn .
It can be said Shelley described the "west " is such a " destroyer and protector " image :
In fact , Shelley is his own life into a chant among natural . His own personality , is " westerly " this natural image of the soul. On the one hand is facing the reality of the curse expose and merciless criticism , to destroy all the evil bondage, on the one hand is to save all the valuable things , the vision for the future with confidence , so that the poet is pursuing his better tomorrow. According to Shelley 's own words , " Ode to the West ," this poem was conceived near the Arno River in Florence in the woods . That day, pregnant with a storm but exciting warm autumn wind torrential pouring in the collection of often cloud Margaret , shortly after the hail storm in the folder with magnificent thunder and lightning , the excited Shelley At this writing the main part of the poem . It should be said , the poet is always ahead of those forces , he put a poetic brilliant , eager to create yet another unruly rebel soul , sustenance in this "west " being , he will cast a statue for his eternal copper like , he wants to get eternal life here . Shelley attaches great importance to the social role of the individual , respect for humanity and human wisdom to create . " Westerly " --- it was necessary to clean up Cuikulaxiu an ugly situation , but should spread the seeds of hope , Shelley is so confident and determined to affirm the value of life as a poet . Poet, a prophet , he wants to bring the spirit of the people to fight against the inexhaustible inspiration , but also to their own beliefs to light the fire lit in the dark . Historical value " westerly " this image is that it is typical of an ongoing erection of a new era , a method of pre- birth of new life
Introduction . From a social perspective , said Shelley just living in this era : the early centuries of the industrial revolution more than a dozen British prophecy itself began with the coming of a new era , and social conflicts that existed and show the ugly reality of a society aspects , so some poets have used political ideals of utopian socialism to arm themselves, as opposed to the feudal and religious rule, individual liberation struggle " to establish a rational and eternal kingdom of justice ," the road ahead . From a personal point of view reflects the value of life , Shelley was one of those necessary to destroy , but to save the poet to create vibrant , which is expressed in his literature , he also performed in various real life as on . In his life, we see that although he is not bound by any bravely rebel everything, but he was more determined target , firmly pursue their own ideals, which has been very good in his famous poem " cloud" manifestation , Yun said : "I hung the air, like the sun does not penetrate the roof pillars are laden with snow mountains I , hurricanes, blazing fireworks , crossing over the Arc de Triomphe arch . ." This came in thunder, but mighty tough, but it is a flower brings rain to parched flowers , cool shade of green leaves covered with clouds , is the portrayal of the image of Shelley himself . This is a wonderful , kind-hearted , but the impulse of the soul, but it is always full of creative vitality of an immortal life .