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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 18:52:20
A Breeze
For some folks,everything is easy.Life is a breeze. They are always healthy. They're never under the weather. If they walk into a room full of strangers,they make friends in five minutes. They have no trouble breaking the ice. They earn enough to save some money every week. They're saving money for a rainy day. So if trouble ever does come,they'll be able to weather the storm. Yes,some people have no problems if times aer good or bad. They're okay come rain or shine.
各位再帮忙翻译几个其中的重点词:a breeze;under the weather;breaking the ice;saving money for a rainy day;weather the storm;come rain or shine.
对某些人来说,什么是事都很简单.生活只是非常简单的小事,他们是无害的,也不会受天气的影响.如果它们来到满是陌生人的房间,他们会在几分钟之内成为好朋友.打破僵局是它们的拿手好戏.它们能挣足够的钱供每周的存款.它们存钱是为了不时之需(for a rainy day).所以如果麻烦真的来了,它们也能经受得起风雨的侵袭.是的,有些人不管在顺境或逆境,阴雨或晴朗,都能泰然处之~
weather 除了有天气的意思,还有处境的意思,当动词,有经受的意思.
break the ice打破沉默
for a rainy day已经解释过了
rain or shine 无论如何,不论晴雨,当副词用.