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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:41:31
Mr Evans lived in a city. He was a math (1)______ three years ago. He taught well and his students (2)______him. So he decided to work in the middle school all his life. But a terrible accident (3)______ his life.
One spring he took his class to (4)______ a place of interest. The children saw a lot of (5)_______ things and had a good time there. But on their way to school., their (6)______ was hit by a track because the young river was drunk. Five students (7)_______ and more than half the children were (8)______ in the accident. He didn't know how it had happened and was very (9)_______ it and after he came out of hospital, he left the school and became a (10)_____. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic regulations. He worked hard and was strict with the drivers. So they were afraid of him.
One afternoon it was very hot. Mr Evans was (11)_______ . He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a (12)_______ rushing the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man (13)_______ a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.
"(14)______ your license to me, madam," dais Mr Evans.
The girl handed her bag to him and said, "Please look for it in the bag (15)______. I can't see anything without glasses."
( )1. A. worker B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer
( )2. A. liked B. wished C. helped D. answered
( )3. A. beat B. won C. lost D. changed
( )4. A. build B. break C. visit D. find
( )5. A. terrible B. dangerous C. safe D. interesting
( )6. A. bus B. train C. car D. ship
( )7. A. left B. lived C. died D. fell
( )8. A. beat B. injured C. touch D. stopped
( )9. A. sad about B. afraid of
C. interested in D. worried about
( )10.A. soldier B. policeman C. bookseller D. cleaner
( )11.A. in the corner B. at home C. on duty D. in the office
( )12.A. runner B. policeman C. player D. cleaner
( )13.A. riding B. selling C. buying D. making
( )14.A. Throw B. Show C. Lend D. Copy
( )15.A. you B. I C. yourself D. myself
这是一篇记叙文,文章主要介绍了Mr Evans先后从事的两份不同的职业的情况.
1.B. 根据句子意思可知Mr Evans是一位数学教师.
2.A. 根据前半句"He taught well"可知学生们应该是喜欢他的.
3.D. 根据下文可知由于一次意外的事情改变了Mr Evans的生活.beat的意思是“打击”,win 的意思是“赢得”,lose的意思是“失去”,change表示“改变”.
4.C. 这里肯定是去参观(visit)名胜.
5.D. 只有是看到一些有趣的东西,孩子们才会玩得高兴的.
6.A. 根据当时的情况一定是他们乘坐的汽车被卡车撞了,其他词语是不可能的.
7.C. 由于发生了交通事故,所以这五名同学是死亡了.
8.B. 除了死亡的之外,其余还有一半多的学生受伤(injured)了.
9.A. 出了这样的 事故,人们都会感到悲伤的.
10.B. 根据下文可知Mr Evans做了警察.
11.C. 根据下句"He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic."可知当时Mr Evans在值班.
12.D. 根据句子的前后意思可知这里应该是一个清洁机.
13.A. 这里肯定是一个正在骑车的人.
14.B. Mr Evans一定是让那个女孩出示证件.
15.C. 由于女孩没有戴眼镜,所以她让Mr Evans自己去找证件.
Mr Young has a big shop in the center of the city. He tells all his employees to be (1)________ to the buyers and he gets a lot of (2)_______.
One day an old woman went to the shop to (3)_________ a silk blouse. When she came out of the shop with the blouse, she (4)______ her wallet in it. A girl picked it up and (5)________ there were nearly five hundred dollars in it. She looked around and (6)________ saw it. She put it into her (7)________ quickly. Soon the old woman came back to look for it, of course she (8)______. That evening Mr Young was told about it. He was very (9)_______ and sent the girl away. Then he decided to employ an honest man to take her (10)_______. Several young men came, but (11)_______ of them could satisfy him.
This morning a young man came to his (12)_______. HE asked, "Do you smoke, sir?"
"No, sir," answered the young man.
"Do you (13)_______?"
"No, sir."
My Young asked him the other questions, and the young man's (14)_______ satisfied him. Before he employed him, he asked him the last question, "You have (15)_______ shortcoming, do you?"
"No, I don't, sir. " said the young man. "I only like telling lies."
( )1. A. strict B. friendly C. strange D. terrible
( )2. A. business B. surprise C. money D. hope
( )3. A. buy B. borrow C. look for D. lend
( )4. A. threw B. put C. placed D. left
( )5. A. found B. knew C. understood D. wanted
( )6. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody
( )7. A. hand B. pocket C. bottle D. glass
( )8. A. won B. lost C. forgot D. failed
( )9. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. worried
( )10.A. place B. seat C. table D. chair
( )11.A. both B. all C. neither D. none
( )12.A. house B. car C. office D. pigsty
( )13.A. dress B. drink C. eat D. sleep
( )14.A. answers B. clothes C. knowledge D. face
( )15.A. much B. some C. any D. no
这是一篇记叙文,文章介绍的Mr Young在雇佣员工时发生的一件有趣的事.
1.B. 任何一家商店的老板都会要求员工对顾客要友好客气的.strict的意思是“严格的”,friendly的意思是“友好的”,strange的意思是“奇怪的”,terrible则表示“可怕的”.这里用friendly 最佳.
2.C. 由于Mr Young的商店服务好,所以他赚了很多钱.
3.A. 人们到商店是来买(buy)东西的.
4.D. 表示把某物遗忘在某处,应该用动词leave.
5.A. 这个女孩是先拾起钱包才会发现(found)里面有钱的.而不是预先知道(know)的.
6.C. 只有先看到周围没有人之后,她才能把钱包藏起来的.
7.B. 根据所给词语的意思,hand(手),pocket(兜),bottle(瓶子),glass(玻璃杯),用pocket最佳.
8.D. 当老人发现自己的钱包没有了之后,再回来找肯定是找不到了.所以这里用fail表示找钱包失败.
9.B. 当老板听说此事后,一定会生气的并且把那个女孩打发走了.
10.A. 因为那个女孩被解雇了,所以Mr Young要找一个人接替她的位置(place).
11.D. but这一个转折词告诉我们,他没有找到合适的人选.
12.C. 根据所给词语的词义可知用office最佳.
13.B. 上面问的是吸烟,这里肯定就是喝酒了.
14.A. 这里肯定是年轻人的回答(answers)令Mr Young感到满意.
15.D. 上面这些都是优点,Mr Young肯定是问他是不是没有缺点了.
The world of the out-of-doors is full of secrets. And they are (1)______ interesting that quite a lot of people are busy (2)_______ them.
All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they (3)_______ and grow are as interesting as anything could be.
Do you know that one of the great presidents of the USA (4)________ hours and hours (5)_________ birds? A businessman who lives near New York became so (6)________ in insects that he began to get (7)________ together. He now has more than one thousand different kinds of insects carefully (8)______ in glass boxes.
Come then with me, and I will help you find some nature's secrets. Let us go (9)________ through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other there is danger. We shall (10)_______ a mother bear and her young ones as they look for (11)_______ and get ready for winter sleep. We shall watch bees dancing in the air to let other bees know (12)______ they can find food. I will (13)______ you many other interesting things, but the best thing that I can (14)________ you is to keep eyes and ears (15)_______ when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.
( )1. A. so B. such C. very D. too
( )2. A. study B. to study C. studying D. studied
( )3. A. fly B. live C. speak D. come
( )4. A. took B. spent C. used D. cost
( )5. A. eating B. finding C. catching D. studying
( )6. A. busy B. careful C. friendly D. interested
( )7. A. it B. whom C. them D. those
( )8. A. locked B. put C. kept D. filled
( )9. A. quickly B. quietly C. hurriedly D. happily
( )10.A. hear B. follow C. help D. catch
( )11.A. fruit B. vegetables C. water D. food
( )12.A. how B. why C. where D. when
( )13.A. show B. see C. give D. learn
( )14.A. make B. pass C. play D. teach
( )15.A. closed B. open C. safe D. clean
1.A. 这是一个固定搭配,so…that…,它的意思是“如此……以致……”,其中so后面应加形容词或副词;such…that…也表示这一含义,但such之后加名词;too…to…的意思是“太……以致于不能……”,他是用肯定句式表达否定含义;very 则只是加形容词或副词,而不与其他词语搭配.
2.C. be busy doing…的意思是“忙于做某事”,这是一个固定搭配.
3.B. 根据所给词语的词义fly (飞),live (生活),speak (说话),come(来),可知用live比较合理.
4.B. take表示“花费时间”时,多用it做形式主语,而将真正的主语(不定式)放在后边;spend表示“花费金钱或时间”用表示人的词做主语;use多表示“使用某人或某物”;cost表示“花费金钱”多用物做主语.因此这里用spend最佳.
5.根据所给词语的词义,eat (吃),find (发现),catch(抓住),study(研究)可知用study最佳.
6.D. 这是一个固定短语,become interested in(对……感兴趣).
7.C. 由于the businessman 对insects感兴趣,所以他就把它们 (them)搜集在了一起,这里用代词them 替代insects.
8.C. 这里是过去分词短语做定语,lock的意思是“锁”,put的意思是“放置”,keep的意思是“保存”,fill的意思是“充满”.这里用保存(kept)在玻璃盒中比较合理.
9.B. 只有悄悄地走进森林或地里,才会观察到一些动物的行踪的.所以此处用quietly最佳.
10.B. 只有跟随着这些动物,才能真正观察它们.hear是“听见”的意思,follow是“跟随”的意思,help 是“帮助”,catch则是“抓住”的意思.根据词义这里用follow最合理.
11.D. 这句话是说母熊带着小熊去寻找食物,以给冬眠做准备.这里用food即可.
12.C. 蜜蜂在空中跳舞是为了告诉其他蜜蜂食物的所在地.所以这里用疑问词where 即可.
13.A. 根据所给词语的词义,show(出示,告诉),see(看见),give(给),learn(学习)可知用show最佳.
14.D. 根据所给词语的词义,make(制造),pass(传递),play(玩),teach(教)可知这里用teach最合理.
15.B. 只有睁开眼睛才能观察到世界,此处用open即可.