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改同义句(英语)2题1.What's the time?____________________________?2.W

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:08:29
1.What's the time?
2.What day is it?
what time is it now?
What's the date today?
What day of the week is (it) today?
疯狂英语每日开讲第26课:What date is it today?
What date is it today?
英伦组合Sting曾经到香港开演唱会,身为歌迷当然是第一时间跑去购票.当拿着门票满心喜欢地准备进场时,带位小姐对我们说:You guys are very late.(你们迟得很),我们立刻看看手上的门券问道:What date is it today?(今天是几月几号?)噢 !原来我们迟来了一天.
有时候当你问今天是什么日子,别人常常不能掌握到底你是想问日期还是星期几.英文就有这个区别,如果用date表示问日期,用day表示问星期几,What day is it today?(今天是星期几?).What date is it today?(今天是几月几号?)此外,Date除解作日期外,也可解作约会,I have a date tonight.(我今晚有个约会).
A:Oh,my God!
B:Are you crazy?It's 4 o'clock in the morning.
A:What date is it today?
B:Today's Monday.
A:No,what date is it today?
B:It's August 1st.
A:Got you.
‘今天是几号?’英文可以说:What's the date today?/ What's today's date?/ What's today?/ What day of the month is (it) today?问‘昨天是几号?’则可说:What was the date yesterday?等.回答可以是Today is 28 July / It's 28 July / Today's date is 28 July.(今天是七月二十八日).留意28 July说话时须读作the twenty-eighth of July.
Date是‘日期’.但只说年份也可用date字,例如:The coin bears the date 1800(硬币上的年份是一八零零年).问人出生日期,同样可用date字:What's the date of your birth?/ What date is your birthday?当然,你也可以问:When is your birthday?回答可以是It(或My birthday)is on 28 July.
‘今天是星期几?’英文有另一个说法:What day is (it) today?/ What day of the week is it?问‘昨天是星期几?’则可说:What day was it yesterday?等.回答可以是Today's Monday(今天是星期一)之类.
一般人不会问‘今年是哪一年?’但如果要问,可以说:What year is this?回答当然是:This is 2003.留意2003英文读作two thousand and three.
英文有一句成语:The days are numbered.这不是说‘日子都有编号’,而是‘来日无多’的意思,往往用来说‘将死’或‘将被辞退’,例如:(1) The doctor said her days were numbered.(医生说她在世的日子不多了).(2) His employment contract not renewed,his days at the company are numbered.(他不获续约,在公司的日子不