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英语翻译社区活动室的钥匙交给谁 据报载,辽宁省鞍山市铁东区最近决定,把七十六个社区活动室全部托付给社区居民自治管理:从居

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:19:02
Community activity room to whom the key
According to newspaper reports,MTR Eastern Liaoning Province,Anshan City's recent decision,the 76 community activities room full self-government entrusted to community residents and management:selected from the residents to master the key person,activity room,the opening hours agreed upon by the residents of their own.In the "key managers" were positive,driven by this area have been formed by association of a variety of cultural and sports activities greatly enrich and strengthen the vast number of residents living amateur.闻听the matter,I welcome efforts are commendable,not the Department of emotion.
A long time,as the vast majority of our residents "home places" - the community activity room is normally full-time cadres of community management,and ultimately,of course,spend a large sum of money to employ cleaning personnel.In addition,every major holiday,the community will inevitably have to organize cultural and sports activities,including the costs involved in at least五六百million,while many三四千million,which will not only allow community cadres who have to worry about,and as a result of the opening hours of the Activity Room "misplaced",and Events program is not resident "appetite" so that the function of the community activity room,significantly reducing the effectiveness of the residents who have frequently made veiled criticisms.And will manage the activity room of decentralization,autonomy management by the community residents can be said that the move not only effectively activated the residents to participate in the management of community affairs enthusiasm,but also more conducive to the development and mass culture-rich community sports programs for the community activity room better services for the general population,and truly become a "paradise of happiness." Anshan MTR Eastern this approach gives us a vivid lesson for our communities in many job Revelation:self-management,self-monitoring,self-development,is the basic principle of community self-government should be hands-off only.In the creation process of a socialist harmonious community,only give full play to the ownership of the vast numbers of residents to mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone to make a higher level of community construction and management.