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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/09 03:11:37
1988年8月23日生于美国加州,从小他就对篮球产生了浓厚的兴趣.为了实现打篮球的梦想,他考进了哈佛大学并成为哈佛大学篮球队球员.首位进入NBA的美籍华裔球员,起初他只是一个后备队员.2011年12月27日,他签约纽约尼克斯队(NY knicks).他的首周表现引起了全美的极大关注,在纽约刮起一股“linsanity”(林来疯).2012年美国《时代》杂志最有影响力人物百强榜第一.
August 23, 1988 Born in California, from childhood on he had a keen interest in basketball. In order to realize the dream of playing basketball, he was admitted to Harvard University, Harvard University, and became a basketball team players. The first Chinese-American player in the NBA, at first he was just a back-up team. December 27, 2011, he signed with the New York Knicks (NY knicks). His first week performance caused great concern to the United States, in New York, blowing a "linsanity" (Lin crazy). 2012 U.S. "Time" magazine's most influential figures hundred list first.