作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:51:18
My Home Town
My home town
The place where I was born,
where I learned of love
And was taught of truth
And where my thoughts were formed
In my home town.
My home town
How highly you do you rate
Where united we stand
And divided we fall
When our nation calls,
In my home state
My great state.
My homeland
Majestically do you stand
With your mountains so near
And your people so dear
Ready to listen and hear
In our homeland
Our grand land.
My homeland
Kentucky at its grace
The land I have known
Where my thoughts have grown,
In my bluegrass home
My own sweet home
Our own Kentucky home.
Randy L.McClave
再问: 这首诗的题目作者是什么,有没有英汉互译,您在哪里找的。
再答: 题目是my hometown, 作者是Randy L.McClave.我是从课本抄来的,你上网授看吧!我华语不好所以没格帮你翻译呢。对不起啊~