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英语翻译Happiness is a tree,With joy,sweetness and excitement as

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 10:17:35
Happiness is a tree,
With joy,sweetness and excitement as its fruits.
Happiness is a house,
With gentleness,comfort and love as its furniture.
Happiness is a teacher,
Who teaches us to love,to sacrifire and own.
Happiness is a hope plus the faith of you and me.
Happiness is Spring's wind,
Summer's flowers,
Autumn's fruits
and Winter's snow.
Happiness is shapeless and invisible at all.
We need to touch it with full hearts.
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself
Happiness is a tree,(幸福是颗树)
With joy,sweetness and excitement as its fruits.(拥有欢快,甜蜜,激情作为它的果实)
Happiness is a house,(幸福是一座房)
With gentleness,comfort and love as its furniture.(拥有温柔,舒适,和爱作为它的家具)
Happiness is a teacher,(幸福是名教师)
Who teaches us to love,to sacrifire and own.(它教导我们去爱,去牺牲,去拥有)
Happiness is a hope plus the faith of you and me.(幸福是希望加上你我的信念)
Happiness is Spring's wind,(幸福是春天的风)
Summer's flowers,(夏天的花朵)
Autumn's fruits (秋天的水果)
and Winter's snow.(通天的雪)
Happiness is shapeless and invisible at all.(幸福是没有形状并看不到的)
We need to touch it with full hearts.(我们需要用心去碰触它)
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself(幸福是香水,一种你必须先在自己身上点几滴才能泼向别人的香水)