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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 20:40:59
最贴切反映中文既然的英文是now that.
例句:He decided to go back to the front now that he had got well既然他身体已好了,他决定重新回到前线.其他如since,as也可表示既然的意思,但没有now that那么强烈.例句:Since man has done so much damage,it is up to put the matters right既然人类已经造成了这么大的损害,人类就必须纠正这种状况.As he had plenty of money he was able to help the poor既然他很有钱,他就有能力帮助穷人.