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英语翻译疯狂农场简介 (英文):一个并不算偏僻 的乡村农场里,生活着这样一群特殊的群体——一群喜爱唱歌跳舞的“派对奶牛”

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 08:28:43
疯狂农场简介 (英文):一个并不算偏僻 的乡村农场里,生活着这样一群特殊的群体——一群喜爱唱歌跳舞的“派对奶牛”尤其是当农场的主人们外出时,这群快活的“派对奶牛”总能给自己和同这农场生活的其他牲畜伙伴们找些乐子除了唱歌跳舞开晚会之外,他们还会时常想出各种花招来捉弄人类,好不快活其中年轻的奶牛奥蒂斯(凯文·詹姆斯)便是其中最为活跃的一份子他与老父亲(萨姆·艾略特)及一头老谋深算的骡子迈尔斯(丹尼·格洛弗)生活一起相比其富有责任感且颇具领袖风范的父亲,奥蒂斯则显得毛躁很多每次唱歌、跳舞、捉弄人的勾当基本上都是他带着小伙伴们最先挑起的而思维活跃且聪明无比的奥蒂斯也从不掩饰自己的智慧,时常上演“人牛大战”中上演精彩的极限对决这天,一向洋溢着歌声和幸福气氛的农场突然发生了极为棘手的变故——一群凶狠的野狼突然来袭为了守护牧场,保卫农舍里所有家畜的安全以及幸福和谐的生活,当然还有日渐老迈的父亲一向调皮搞怪的奥蒂斯决定承担起农场领袖之责,决定带领家畜伙伴们与恶狼抗争到底
Crazy Farm Introduction (English):Is not an isolated rural farm life with such a special group of people who - who loved to sing and dance "party cow," especially when the farm's main people when they go out,these jolly "party cow" general will give their own and the farm life with these partners to find some other animals apart from singing and dancing fun party outside the open,they will often come up with all kinds of tricks to make fun of human beings,It really happy where the young cow Otis (Kevin James) is one of the most active part of his old father (Sam Elliott),and a wily mule Miles (Danny Glover ) live together rather than their rich sense of responsibility and leadership style of his father,Otis is a lot of time seemed edgy singing,dancing,tease people's dealings are basically his partner were the first to take the small rather thought provoking active and the incomparable Otis never wise to cover up their own wisdom,often staged "human cattle wars" in the ultimate showdown staged wonderful this day has been filled with singing and well-being gas Boon's farm had taken a dramatic turn of events is extremely difficult - a group of fierce wolf suddenly attacking pastures in order to guard and defend the security of all livestock farmhouse and happiness and harmonious living,of course,increasingly senile father,the Austrian has always been naughty Funny Curtis decided to assume the responsibility for the farm leaders,decided to lead the fight livestock partners and the wolf in the end