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英语翻译During the Second World War,a British ship called the "N

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:26:19
During the Second World War,a British ship called the "Nova Scotia"was carrying more than a thousand South African soldiers and Italian prisoners of war.It was a long way from Europe to South Africa.But a German submarine was waiting in the sea when the "Nova Scotia"appeared.
The submarine sent the "Nova Scotia"to the bottom of the sea.Many men were killed at once.Many others were badly hurt.But hundreds were alive.They were not greatly worried.The sea was calm and warm,and they were expecting a ship would find them in the morning.A ship did find them,But it saved only 183 men.The sharks had taken the rest.
Thirty years later,one of the living men said,"I was in a raft.There were men all below me in the water.They were swimming,or holding no to pieces of wood.Suddenly I heard a shout.It came from a man who was a few hundred meters away.He threw his arms in the air,Then he disappeared in the water.He never came up again.That was only the beginning.The sharks had smelled the blood of the dead and dying men.There seemed ti be hundreds of them.Man after man gave a terrible shout and then disappeared.I even saw sharks attack men on the rafts.They swam right out of the water."
在第二次大战期间,“Nova Scotia(加拿大一个省的名字)”号英国航船承载在上千名南非士兵和意大利战俘.从欧洲到南非要经过漫漫长路,而当“Nova Scotia”号 在海上驶过时一艘德国的潜艇正在悄悄地等待着.
这艘潜艇将“Nova Scotia”号 的命运终结,使之直沉海底,很多人即刻就丧生了,剩下的人也受了重伤.万幸的是仍有几百人幸免于难.他们并没有多么焦虑,大海安静而温暖,幸存者们期待着明天清晨能有其它的航船发现并救援他们.事实上一艘船确实发现了他们,但它只成功救走了183人,剩下的不幸地成为了鲨鱼的腹中食.