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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:05:36
The car since 1885,"the father of automobile" Karl Benzmade the world's first tricycle,automobile has become one of the indispensable traffic tools of modern.The car generally consists of four basic parts of the engine,chassis,body and electrical equipment.Engine is the power unit of the car,just as our heart; the chassis is equivalent to the human skeleton,to support,installation of car parts; all kinds of apparel automobile body like us,not only used for automobile body,also can be through a variety of different automobile brands and models;electrical equipment from power and two parts electrical equipment,it is like the brain nerve,command "heart"movement.Do you know?First steam car is made inBeijing of china.In 1672,Belgian missionary Nan Huairen,in Beijing to create steam powered mechanical device,has become the first car four wheel steam car.At that time,Watt wasn't born,compound steam engine than he made115 years earlier,Biximingdun steam machine used in theearly 123 years,150 years earlier than the train forStephenson,200 years earlier than the Boolean forautomobile.Vehicle classification has many kinds,usually analysed by end use classification,can be divided into ordinary transport vehicle and special vehicle; according tothe power plant classification,divided into the steam engine,internal combustion engine vehicles,electric vehicles,solar car etc..
Modern cars bring convenience to humans has also brought pollution,more than a hundred years ago,the carrunning has been dependent on gasoline engine.Over the past ten years,the development of electric vehicle batterytechnology,gradually approached us.Electric cars can be divided into three categories,hybrid,plug-in hybrid andelectric vehicle.They are using a power driven,in order to reduce gasoline use,even without the use of gasoline.Influence of electric vehicles on the environment compared with the traditional car is small,safe and convenientenergy,is the social trend of future automotive development.In the development of automobile industry,people in constant progress,I believe there will be more and better the miracle appear!
再问: 如果有中文翻译,可以给我啊,真心感谢。而且这个看起来貌似也不够3000字中文,可以给我多点 的吗?
再答: 汽车自从 1885 年,“汽车之父”卡尔·本茨制成了世界 上第一辆三轮车开始, 汽车已经成为现代人不可缺少的交 通工具之一。 汽车一般由发动机、底盘、车身和电气设备四个基本 部分组成。发动机是汽车的动力装置,就像我们的心脏; 底盘相当于人类的骨骼,起到支撑、安装汽车各部件的作 用;汽车车身就像我们的各种服饰,不仅用来装扮汽车主 体,还可以通过各种标志区别汽车的品牌和型号;电气设 备由电源和用电设备两大部分组成,它像是大脑中的神 经,指挥“心脏”进行运动。 你知道吗?第一辆蒸汽汽车其实是在中国北京制造的。 1672 年, 比利时籍传教士南怀仁, 在北京制造出了蒸气动力 机械装置, 成为第一辆四轮蒸汽汽车。 当时, 瓦特还没出生, 比他制成的复式蒸汽机早了 115 年,比西明顿将蒸汽机应用 于轮船早 123 年,比司蒂芬孙用于火车早 150 年,比布尔用 于汽车早 200 年。 汽车的分类有许多种,通常按用途分类,可分为普通运 输汽车和专用汽车;按动力装置分类,分为蒸汽机汽车、 内燃机汽车、电动汽车、太阳能汽车等。 现代汽车给人类带来方便的同时也带来了污染,百余年 来,汽车运行一直依赖于汽油发动机。过去十年里,电池技 术得到发展,电动汽车逐渐走近我们的身边。电动汽车可分 为三类,混合动力车、插电式混合动力车和全电动车。它们 都是使用一定电力驱动,以减少汽油用量,甚至完全不使用 汽油。电动汽车对环境影响相对于传统汽车较小,安全方便 节能,是未来社会汽车发展的趋势。 在汽车工业的发展中,人类在不断的进步,相信会有更 多更好的奇迹出现!