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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 23:07:12
Worker bees are hard workers,in short,busy life,it not only raised larvae,take care of the queen bee,drones,more human made a sweet honey."Litchi honey" in praise:"what a lovely little life!People nothing,but gives an excellent thing.Honey bees in the brewing,but also in making life; not for themselves,but for making the most of sweet human life.The bee is small,and yet how noble bee ah!" 2.只要一提到蜜蜂马上就想到蜜蜂会蜇人,挺讨厌的.其实,蜜蜂一般不轻易蜇人,蜇人是它进行的自卫,是它维护生命作出的一种本能反应.当蜜蜂遇到侵害时,它就会把尾部的毒针刺入对方的身上,并放出毒液.如果谁无意中打死了某只蜜蜂,也会招来一群蜜蜂跟踪,这是蜜蜂在进行着报复行动;蜜蜂尾端的毒针是自卫的武器,它连着身体里的毒腺,蜜蜂在使用它的毒针之后身体会被撕毁而死去.Just mention the bees immediately think of bee stings,pretty hate.In fact,the bees are generally not easily sting,sting is it was self-defense,is an instinctive reaction it maintains life made.When the bees encounter violation,it will be the tail of the needle into the other side of the body,and venenate.If who accidentally killed a bee,also attracted a swarm of bees tracking,which is a bee in a retaliatory action; bees at the end of the needle is self-defense,it is connected with the body of gland,when bees using its lethal body would be torn up and die