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英语翻译When I was very young,I thought it would be a terrible t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 20:17:36
When I was very young,I thought it would be a terrible thing that going through
the half of our life,in my imagination,it seems like that we’d
better go to dying when we arrived thirty years point for the lifeless life.In
an unkempt appearance all day along,our life would be filled with husband and
children,filled with family gossip,filled with the commutation between home and
office,filled with old sisters or aunts and then be called that one,I would be in something
like a hero in dire straits,and wish to show high ideals by my life.
However I have be more than thirty years old now and my life is not
bad,it seems like I can continued to living completely,so my life ambition
has changed to wishing to live until more than ninety years .Actually,I am in
the time of youth age,but I still willing to call myself “body arrived middle age “For the early preparation on my mind,and also realized that it is not an awful
thing for the middle age gradually.
在我很小的时候,我认为当走过人们半生的时间是件很恐怖的事,在我的想象里, 仿佛在毫无生气人生中的第三十年中死去是件更好的事.每天在蓬头垢面中, 我们的人生被丈夫孩子填满,被家庭琐事填满, 被在家与办公室之间转换填满, 被姐姐们和阿姨们被叫做“那一个”填满, 我像是一个在惨境里的英雄一样,盼望着我生命给我崇高的理想.
但是现在我已经三十多岁了, 我的人生并不差,看来我完全可以继续生活, 所以我对生活的志向已经变成了一直活过九十岁. 事实上, 我还是在年轻的年龄段里,但我还是很愿意叫我自己“身体到达了中年”. 这是为了在我脑中做到中年的准备,并且了解到慢慢变成中年并不是件很可怕的事.