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英语翻译My son's favorite book is Richard Scarry's What Do Peopl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 20:26:39
My son's favorite book is Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day?It brings to life dozens of disciplines,from coal mining to bread making,with charming illustrations.After reading this book for the 80th time,I wondered:What if you could drill down into each step of what people do,including all the procedures when things go awry?
Sadly,Scarry never went that far,so we're left to document our own business processes—in detail—for developers.Either that or someone in IT tries to match those requirements against shrink-wrapped enterprise software.
Everyone yearns for a perfect middle ground between build and buy.And increasingly,you hear about Web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA) as that ground:Just assemble prebuilt services into enterprise apps and satisfy endless needs.This is,of course,a fairy tale.People are building Web services and creating SOAs,but it's fantasy if you think you can create an entire enterprise application infrastructure simply by stringing together a bunch of Web services.
我儿子最喜欢的书籍是理查德.斯卡里的 what do people do allday?(人们每天都在干什么).通过里边生动的图片以及从采煤行业到面包制作业的描写,给人们带来了很多有意的知识.在80年代读了这个书以后,我就想:如果你能够做每个人都能做的东西,包含过程出错的过程在内,你你会怎么样呢?