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英语翻译The prospect ofpacking up everything and moving to a new

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:16:27
The prospect ofpacking up everything and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environmentmay appear interesting and challenging to an unmarried young man and extremelydifficult to a slightly older man with awife and small kids.Similarly,the need to learn a new language and customsmay excite one person and foreign another.Regardless of why people move,migration of large numbers of people causes conflict.The United Statesand other Western countries have experienced adjustment problems with each newwave of immigrants.The newest arrivals are usually given the lowest-paid jobsand are resented by native people who may have to compete with them for thosejobs.It has usually take n several decades for each group to be accepted into themainstreams of society in the host country.
收拾一切,搬到一个新的、也许非常奇怪的环境的前景一个未婚的年轻人来说可能是有趣而和具有挑战性的,而对于那些稍微年长的,有妻子和年幼的孩子的男人来说却是相当困难.同样,学习一门新的语言和习俗的需要可能会使一个人感到兴奋,使另一个人感到陌生无助.不管人们为什么搬家,大批人的迁移会导致冲突.美国和其他西方国家一直在经历着调整随着每个移民新浪潮而来的问题.那些最新的移民通常从事低收入工作,且被本地的人憎恨, 因为本地人可能要和他们竞争工作岗位.通常需要花上几十年,每个群体才能被东道国的主流社会接受.