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there was once a man form the city who .英语首字母填空,今天15:00前要.非常

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 18:29:52
there was once a man form the city who .英语首字母填空,今天15:00前要.非常感
there was once a man form the city who visiting a small farm ,and during the he saw a farmer f____ pigs in a strange way.the farmer lifted a pig up to a nearby apple tree,and the pig a____ the apples off the tree.when the pig f____ the apples from one tree,the farmer would move the pig to another apple tree until the pig was f____.then he started again w____ another pig.
the city man w____ this activity for some time.finally he could not help saying to the farmer,"this is the s____ way to feed pigs.you waste a lot of time.you can shake the apples o____ the trees,and let the pigs eat them from the g____.then time can be saved.
the farmer l____ puzzled and answered," what's time to a pig?"请用数字标好序号,
1.feed :feed pigs喂猪
2.ate :eat的过去式,吃
3.finished :完成
4.full :吃饱
6.watched :观看
7.strangest :与前面的the相呼应,表示最高级,最奇怪
8.on :苹果长在树上
9.ground :苹果掉在地上,故应填地上ground
10.looked :看起来很迷惑