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高手英语之多选与判断1.______ happens,we shall never lose our hope.A.No

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 21:52:56
1.______ happens,we shall never lose our hope.A.No matter whatB.WhateverC.HoweverD.Whether2.This is all ______ she told me.A./B.thatC.whichD.what判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分.)V 1.As Dan studied for his test,his family helped (distract) him by turning off the TV and keeping the house quiet and peaceful.A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分2.Fay is so (extravagant) that she purposely finds fault with waiters so that she can refuse to leave them a tip.A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分3.The teacher wanted to (overwhelm) his new students,so he gave them just a little homework at first.A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分4.I (resent) what my brother did—after I told him what I was going to buy for our mother’s birthday,he rushed out and bought it first,so I had to come up with a new idea.A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分5.I painted a line from the left edge of the wall all the way over to the right edge,and then I covered that (vertical) line with a colorful border design.A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分6.Having our grandfather live with us was not a (burden).Not only was he easy to live with,but he was very helpful around the house.A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分
1.AB(no matter what ...和whatever...引导让步状语从句)
2.ABD(AB做all的定语从句,that 可省.D做all的同位语从句)
1.A distract:分散注意力 与句意相反,
2.A extravagant:挥霍的,铺张浪费的 不符合句意,应该是小气的
5.A vertical:垂直的,竖的 不符合句意,应该是横的