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已经背会 英语怎么说1 我已经背会了那篇文章 / 我正在背诵那篇文章2 我已经学会了开车 / 我正在学开车3 我正在教小

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 14:58:32
已经背会 英语怎么说
1 我已经背会了那篇文章 / 我正在背诵那篇文章
2 我已经学会了开车 / 我正在学开车
3 我正在教小朋友们画画
4 我已经教会了小朋友们画画 ( 注意,动作已经完成,不在继续)
5 需要我给你捎回来点东西吗?
6 除了蛋糕外,还有什么食物?
7 除了Tom 不去,还有谁不去?
1.I have learned off that passage./I am reciting that passage.
2.I have learned how to drive a car./I am learning to drive a car.
3.I am teaching children to draw.
4.The children have been taught to draw.
5.Do you need me to bring anything along?
6.What other foods are there besides the cake?
7.Who else won't go there besides Tom?
再问: 4.The children have been taught to draw. 5.Do you need me to bring anything along? 第四句能否修改为,突出 我 已经教会了小朋友们画画, (他们已经学会了)
再答: I have finished to teach the children to draw.“我已经教会了小朋友们画画。” 或者I have succeeded in teaching the children to draw. 请问第五句有什么问题?