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All work and no play makes jack a dull boy写个英语作文,就此材料发表看法,紧扣

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:00:23
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy写个英语作文,就此材料发表看法,紧扣题材,有明确观点,词数不少于60
They all say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Of course work is very important, but why not mix work with fun? Let Mr naked teach you!
工作 + 玩乐!
Bored by meetings? No more!
at naked Stables we provide only the coolest meeting ever.
在裸心 | 谷,我们让您拥有最酷的会议体验.
Guess what they are doing?
Raft building -- Using tyres and bamboo to build a raft in a team competition. This is a very good activity for team building.
Have you ever tried morning yoga in the mountains? With the fresh air and birds singing around you, it is one of those fantastic moments in your life.
很少人试过在山林间晨间瑜伽吧. 呼吸着新鲜的空气,耳畔环绕着悦人的鸟鸣.这是人生中何其美妙的一刻.
Also, you can choose to go hiking with the team. Walking through the bamboo trees can definitely inspire your mind and body.
Last but not least, enjoy a beer or glass of wine at Kikaboni by Stiller. Relax yourself and enjoy the lovely view of the resort.
最后,可以在我们的米其林大厨餐厅Kikaboni by Stiller享受一杯啤酒或者红酒,欣赏一下美丽的山间美景.