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英语翻译团结合作价更高 团结就是力量,在各方面都需要团结.我们的大家庭更需要团结,以绽放出更加询丽的光彩,团结中不免有合

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:59:44
团结合作价更高 团结就是力量,在各方面都需要团结.我们的大家庭更需要团结,以绽放出更加询丽的光彩,团结中不免有合作.炫丽多彩的生活中,各行各业中的合作数不胜数.所以,我们应对合作的重要性有正确的认识,让团结合作充实我们的生活,合作在各行各业是必不可少的.在各个生产部门,都是通过分工合作,其至几个大企业合作.这也是司空见惯,不足为奇.比如生产一辆小汽车,一个工人能独自完成吗?不能,但不是绝对否定.因为更多的人是通过合作完成的,你生产外壳、我生产零件、他组装,经过许多人的合作,才能更好更快地生产出一辆小轿车.中国的载人宇宙飞船的发射,使中国成为寥寥可数的可以发射载人飞船的国家,杨利伟的成功.背后有多少人团结合作,成功的背后覆盖着多少失败.也许,伴随中国航天事业的失败很多很多.但我们还是坚持不懈地博斗下去,通过合作,终于成功了.如果在发射中有一点差错,恐怕我们迎来的又是失败.可见,合作是不可少的.现在的世界,少不了合作,合作成了成功的跳板.生活中有了合作才会有成功,成功是合作的体现.国家的管理,需要人民的合作,一个工厂的正常运行也需要工人们合作.这个炫丽多彩,五彩缤纷的世界里,到处可见合作,一次手术的成功,需要医生与护士的合作.第二次世界大战中,中国、英国、美国、俄国等国家共同对付日本、德国体现了合作对战争的重要性.现实生活中,一些不足为奇的事,一些不足挂齿的事,生活中需要的一切,不可能自己生产.所以,人类是生活在团结合作的生活中,人类无疑是幸福的,但人类的合作有虚伪的合作.不仅人类学会合作,就连小小的蚂蚁,在发现食物后,都会共同合作.把食物搬“回家”它们小小的体形,居然能把超过自己的许多倍的东西搬运.体现了团结合作的精神.生活中,我们要学会合作,了解合作的重要性.让合作伴随我们.今天的中国需要合作明天的中国更需合作,让我们共同建设美好的祖国.
Unity cooperation price is higher unity is strength, in all respects need unity. Our big family need more united to blossom a more flowery glorious, unity is unavoidable in cooperation. Dazzle beautiful and colorful life, all walks of cooperation in the endless. So, we deal with the importance of cooperation with the correct knowledge, let the unity cooperation enrich our life, cooperation in all trades and professions is indispensable. In each of the production department, is all through the division and cooperation, and its to several large enterprise cooperation. This also is common, not surprisingly. Such as production a car, a worker can alone? Can't, but not absolutely deny. As more people is done through cooperation, you production shell, I production parts, he assembly, after many people's cooperation, can better and faster production out of a car. China's manned spacecraft launch, make the country a very few can launch of manned spacecraft countries, Yang liwei's success. How many people behind unity and cooperation, behind success is covered with much failure. Maybe, along with China's space industry failure so many. But we still persist bo dou bottom go to, through the cooperation, and finally succeeded. If the launch a little mistake, I'm afraid we have and failure. Visible, cooperation is cannot little. Now the world, without cooperation, cooperation became successful springboard. The life has the cooperation will be successful, success is the embodiment of the cooperation. The management of the country, need to people's cooperation, a factory of normal operation also need the workers cooperation. The dazzle beautiful and colorful, colorful world, everywhere cooperation, once the success of the operation, need to doctors and nurses cooperation. The second world war ii, China, Britain, the United States, Russia and other countries to deal with Japan, Germany reflected the importance of cooperation of war. Real life, some no surprise that, some don't mention it, the need in the life of all, impossible oneself production. So, the human is live in unity and cooperation in the life, is undoubtedly the human happiness, but human cooperation have false of the cooperation. Not only the human learning to be cooperative and even small ants, found in food, will cooperate. Put the food move "home" they small figure, incredibly can put more than their own many times the things handling. Embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation. Life, we have to learn how to cooperation, understand the importance of cooperation. Let the cooperation with us. Today's China need to work tomorrow's China need more to cooperation, together, let us build a better country.