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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:10:06
By Mary Gaitskill.
Pantheon Books, $23.
This attractively dark novel from the author of Bad Behavior and Two Girls, Fat and Thin narrated by a former Paris model who is now sick and poor. Her reflections on beauty and cruelty have clarity and an uncanny bite.
On Beauty
By Zadie smith.
Penguin Press, $25.95.
In her new book, a cultural-politics novel set in a place like Harvard, the author of White Teeth brings everything to the table: a crisp intellect, a lovely wit and enormous sympathy for the men, women and children who read her story.
By lan McEwan.
Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, $26.
As exciting and as carefully constructed as anything McEwan has written, this astringent (尖锐的)novel traces a day in the life of an English neurosurgeon who comes face to face with senseless violence.
De Kooning: An American Master
By Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan.
Alfred A. Knopf, $35.
A brilliant biography, impressively researched and absorbingly written, of the talented immigrant who stood at the vortex (中心)of mid-20th-century American art.
A History of Europe Since 1945
By Tony Judt.
Penguin Press, $39.95.
Judt’s massive, learned, truthfully detailed account of Europe’s recovery from the wreckage of World War II presents a whole continent in panorama (全景) even as it sets off detonations (爆炸) of insight on almost every page.
手边玛丽 Gaitskill.
手边 Zadie 铁匠.
被 lan McEwan.
Nan A.Talese/Doubleday,$26.
同样地令人兴奋的和同样地小心地构造当 McEwan 已经写的任何事,这一个收敛剂 (尖锐的) 小说在与无感觉的暴力碰面的英文脑神经外科手术专家的生活方面追踪一天.
De Kooning:一个美国主人
手边马克史蒂文和 Annalyn 天鹅.
艾佛烈 A.Knopf,$35.
一本灿烂的传记,令人印象深刻地研究了和吸引人书面,在旋涡 (中心) 站立的被才能的移民在-之中第 20 世纪的美国艺术.
欧洲的历史自从 1945 以后
手边汤尼 Judt.
Judt 巨大的,学习,当它在几乎每页上出发洞察力的爆炸 (爆炸) 的时候,来自第二次世界大战的残余的欧洲的恢复的真实详细帐户甚至在全景 (全景) 中呈现一个整个的大陆.