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想骗分的免进.从下列各题中所给的三个选项中选出与画线部分意思相近的一个1.-Hello,may I sreak to M

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 07:32:43
1.-Hello,may I sreak to Mike please?
-Hold on for a moment.(线:Hold on)
A:Wait B:Sit C:Stop
2.Bob is very strong.He is able to carry the box.(线:is able to)
A:must B:can C:need
3.We are happy to see you here.(线:happy)
A:worried B:sad C:pleased
4.I have a few friends.(线:a few)
A:many B:some C:no
5.Alice will go shopping with her aunt tomorrow.(线:go shopping)
A:buy something B:borrow books C:swim
6.I will go to see my grandma this evening.(线:go to see)
A:visit B:watch C:look
7.Please ring me up when you get there.(线:ring me up)
A:listen to me B:talk to me C:telephone me
8.An elephant is a large animal.(线:large)
A:big B:tall C:heavy