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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 17:07:14
勋伯格(Schoenberg)的《期待(expectationsg)》是无调性音乐(atonal music)的代表作,在这部作品中,勋伯格摒弃了所有传统的使音乐易于理解的手法:没有主题的重复,没有给予调性框架上的和声结构,没有清晰可变的动机极其变形,即使有类似动机的音型出现,几秒种后又消失,难以记忆.尽管如此,《期待》是勋伯格的作品中最有效果、最有印象、结构逻辑最令人信服的作品.这种无主题、无旋律、无调性的思维逻辑,表现力无可置疑.《期待》中大量和弦都是六个音符,形成了震撼的效果.无调性的音乐有一种解放的感觉,它无拘无束,因而也就有了极大的空间.我觉得它很象是二十世纪的抽象绘画,或是毕加索的变形画,原本具体严谨的物体或人物形态在这种画面上瓦解了,变得自由而新奇.
勋伯格(Schoenberg)的《期待(expectationsg)》是无调性音乐(atonal music)的代表作,在这部作品中,勋伯格摒弃了所有传统的使音乐易于理解的手法:没有主题的重复,没有给予调性框架上的和声结构,没有清晰可变的动机及其变形,即使有类似动机的音型出现,几秒种后又消失,难以记忆.
The ‘Expectation’ composed by Schoenberg is a magnum opus of atonal music.In this work,Schoenberg had discarded all the traditional methodology of making music easier to be understood; without repetitions of a theme,no harmonic structure was given to the tonal framework,lacking clear and variable motif and its distortions,even if figures similar to the motif appeared,they would vanish within seconds,making it hard to remember.
Still,among all the works of Schoenberg,‘Expectation’ is the most effective,the most impressive and the most convincing in the logical structure of the work.This mode of thinking that has no theme,no melody and atonal,its expressiveness is unquestionable.There are lots of six-noted chords in ‘Expectation’ resulting in an electrified effect.Atonal music exudes a sense of liberation,it is without any restraint,and so it has an enormous space.I think it is quite similar to the abstract paintings of the 20th century,or the anamorphic paintings of Picasso; an originally restrained object or the form of a character disintegrates onto the painting and becomes free and novel.