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英语翻译散打是一项非常激烈的技击项目,民间亦称为抢手、拍手、技击、打擂台等,它要求有很好的身体素质physical co

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 07:25:27
散打是一项非常激烈的技击项目,民间亦称为抢手、拍手、技击、打擂台等,它要求有很好的身体素质physical constitution.所谓身体素质是指人体在运动中所表现出来的力量、速度、耐力、灵敏性和柔韧性等.随着散打运动的发展,身体素质越来越被人们所重视.俗话说“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有好的身体素质做保证,再优秀的教练员也难培养出好的散打队员
Sanda is a very fierce combative project,also known as the civil sought after and clapped,combative,Daleisi such,it requires a very good physical fitness physical constitution.Fitness refers to the so-called body in the campaign has shown the strength,speed,endurance,flexibility and sensitivity,etc..With the development of Sanda,physical attention by more and more people.As the saying goes,"one can not make bricks without straw," there are not any good physique do that again outstanding coaches also difficult to cultivate a good team Sanda