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英语翻译You did’t it again this morning,didn’t you?you got up to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:49:34
You did’t it again this morning,didn’t you?you got up to the irritating sound of your alarm clock and staggered into the bathroom to shave your face…just like you have done every other day for the past ten years.
With the last stroke of the razor,you considered grabbing the clippers and giving yourself a crew cut.or maybe you should let it grow long like you did in high school.after all,you still have a full head of hair so why not grow it out while you can?no,that’s not what successful corporate Americans do.so you keep it average length,neat and clean,and slather in the gel.that’s the right thing to do.
As you gaze into the mirror,you sometimes wonder hoe it ever ended up like this.this wasn’t the future you envisioned.staring back at you isn’t the rebellious teen that stood up for what he believed in and never let anyone control his thoughts.that person would have never gotten up eah morning to shave his beard,part his hair,put on a suit,and go work a job he despises.he wouldn’t toil away at a meaningless,trivial exstence,working for “big business,”sacrificing his blood,sweat,and tears just to make another man rich…would he?
But this is the path you’ve chosen.so you slip on your expensive Italian leather shoes,get in your car,and put on talk radio as you drive to work..as much as you used to love to listen to Howard Stern,you realize now that you can’t do that anymore.Intelligent,successful,grown-ups don’t listen to the Stern show but rather the drive time news.It’s safe and won’t offend anyone.and that is what you are programmed to be¬---safe and inoffensive.
You stop at Starbucks for a five dollar latte and walk into work,politely greeting your coworkers,the same people you despised growing up.but now you are one of them.you sold your soul and gave up your dream.now your dream is everyone else’s dream—that you will be fortunate enough to slave away for another man’s company from nine to five every single day until you are in your fifties or sixties.after that you can retire with enough money to put the kids through college and comfortable enjoy the reat of your life.put the next thirty years on hold because you have work to do and money to make.you will start living when all that is done.that’s the plane,isn’t it?
Lunch time rolls around and you go out to the best steakhouse in town because you have to impress your clients and coworkers and you know that high quality beef is the prize you get for being at the top of your game.you read somewhere recently that meat consumption causes cancer and contibutes to the destruction of the environment.but you will die of stress before you get cancer,and you will be gone long bufore all the rain foreats are so maybe you don’t have to worry about it.besides,what will your colleagues think if you made such a statement?
如你的目光在镜子,你有时怀疑锄头它结束了以往任何时候都没有像this.this未来你envisioned.staring回到你不是叛逆青少年的站起来为他相信,绝不让任何人控制他thoughts.that人从来没有很好eah早上剃掉他的胡子,是他的头发,穿上西装,和去工作的工作,他despises.he不会,但这并不意味着在一个毫无意义的,琐碎exstence ,致力于“大企业, “牺牲自己鲜血,汗水和泪水只是为了丰富...另一名男子将他?
但是,这是您的道路支路chosen.so您在您的昂贵的意大利皮鞋,让你的车中,并把谈话电台你开车上班..不亚于您曾经喜欢听霍华德斯特恩,你现在知道,你不能这样做anymore.Intelligent ,成功的,大人不听斯特恩表明而是驱动时间news.It的安全,也不会得罪anyone.and这是你的编程要¬ ---安全,无害.
您停止在星巴克为5美元Latte和步行到工作中,礼貌的问候你的同事,同人民日益增长的up.but瞧不起你而现在则是一个them.you卖给你的灵魂和你dream.now放弃你的梦想是每个人别人的梦,你将有幸奴隶以外的另一名男子的公司从朝九晚五的每一天,直到您在您的50或sixties.after ,你可以退出足够的钱,使孩子们通过学院和舒适的享受伟大的life.put在未来三十年搁置,因为你有工作要做,钱make.you将开始生活时,一切done.that的飞机,是不是?
午餐时间,你周围卷出去的最佳牛排在城里,因为你必须让您的客户和同事,你知道,高品质的牛肉是奖你被上方的某处你game.you阅读最近的肉消费会引起癌症, contibutes摧毁environment.but你会死的压力面前你癌症,你将经历长期bufore所有的雨水foreats如此,也许你不必担心it.besides ,什么将你的同事认为,如果你作出这样的声明?