作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

高一英语短文改错 每一行改错.9错1对或10错

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 23:40:07
高一英语短文改错 每一行改错.9错1对或10错
The street was busy with traffic and very noise.----
Buses,black and yellow taxis,cars and bikes rushed ----
to him and everywhere people were crossing the ---
street.He stopped and watched it.He wiped ---
his face with handkerchief.The weather was very ---
hot.He thought these people were very carelessly,---
or is it that they didn't understand the danger?---
There were death every day on jalan Bintang.---
He waited at the laest ten minutes before he ---
could cross.He wanted to stay live.Life was good!---
1.noise 改为noisy
3.everywhere 改为 everytime
4.it 改为them
5.handkerchief 前加 a
6.carelessly 改为 cafeful
7.understand 改为 realize
8.were 改为 are
10.live 改为 alive