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英语翻译These studies indicate that among nonabstinent adults ag

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 23:59:17
These studies indicate that among nonabstinent adults aged 60 years or older,between 15% and 30% of men and between 5% and 15% of women consume alcohol in excess of current weekly/daily guidelines.We estimated the proportion of older women and men who drink in excess of specific weekly and daily guidelines and,by following individuals over 10 years,investigated how high-risk alcohol use patterns change with age.
We identified 3 studies that examined the connections between patterns of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related symptoms or problems among older adults.In a study of adults older than 55 years,Chermack et al.noted that individuals who consumed an average of more than 1 drink per day,and those who consumed 5 or more drinks on any 1 day,were more likely to experience alcoholrelated symptoms than were individuals who consumed less alcohol.
这些研究指出在非饮食有度的成人之中的那年老的 60 年或资深者,在 15% 和 30% 的男人之间而且超过现在的每周/每日的指导方针在 5% 和 15% 的女人之间消费酒精.我们估计了较年长的女人和超过特定的周刊和每日的指导方针喝的男人比例,而且,藉由超过 10 年跟随个体,调查高风险的酒精如何使用式样和年龄的变化.
我们厘清了 3项调查了酒精消费和酒精- 相关的症状或在较年长的成人之中的问题式样之间的连结研究.在一项成人的研究中超过 55 年,Chermack et al 的资深者.注意,耗尽了超过一天 1种饮料的平均 ,和那些在任何的 1 天耗尽了 5 或较多的饮料人个体,比是耗尽了比较少的酒精个体更可能经历 alcoholrelated 症状.