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英语周报 第十期,总第3209期,选修6答案.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:05:23
英语周报 第十期,总第3209期,选修6答案.
Book 6 Module 5 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BCBBC          6-10 CBCBA11-15 BACAB      16-20 ABACB21-25 CADBC      26-30 CADBC31-35 BDABD      36-40 ADCBD41-45 CADBD      46-50 ACBAD51-55 CADBC      56-60 CACBA61-65 CBDCA      66-70 BAADD71-75 CEBGA76. She will feel hungrier than usual.77. Sleep deprivation could lead to weight gain.78. They should keep a healthy and normal sleep habit.79. People who work night shifts. / Night shift workers.80. It is easier / less risky for them to have a baby.短文改错:81. ... a live discussion ...            live → lively82. ... we go to ...                       go → went83. ... where to save water.          where → how84. In an afternoon, ...               an → the85. ... gave them ...                    them → us86. ... different way of ...            way → ways87. I suggested water ...                     water → watering88. ... had been using to ...          using → used89. ... what we can save ...          save前加to90. ... learn a lot of ...                 去掉ofOne possible version:With the development of science and technology, electronic books are becoming more and more popular. Should electronic books take the place of paper books completely in the near future?Some students say yes to the question due to the fact that electronic books are more convenient and much cheaper. What's more, electronic books are environmentally friendly while paper books involve cutting down trees.However, others don't think so. For one thing, it's difficult to change people's traditional reading habits; for another, reading paper books is less harmful to our eyes.In my opinion, electronic books shouldn't replace paper books completely in the near future. Instead, both of them will exist in the future because they both have their own advantages and can offer us different reading experiences.部分解析单项填空:21. C.rain 是不可数名词,且其后有定语从句限定,故rain 前用定冠词表特指;a sequence of 一系列的.22. A.由check the machine again 可知,“粗心会引发(arise)事故”.23. D.由saw Betty running hurriedly可知,她的朋友当时正在等她,故用过去进行时.24. B.由but they can choose whether to learn art or not 可知,英语是所有学生必须学的,故用compulsory.25. C.题意:苏没有任何嗜好,除非(unless)把看电视也算作嗜好.26. C.由I couldn't get in touch with my classmates 可知,“电话通讯被暴风雨毁坏了”,故用knocked out.27. A.由I found one in my drawer 可知,“我今天本没必要花20 元买新雨伞”,故用needn't.needn't have done 表示过去没必要做某事却做了.28. D.由heard 可知应用过去的时态,且soldiers 与treat 之间为被动关系,故用were treated.29. B.此处have 表示“使,让”.check 与teeth 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用checked 作宾语补足语.30. C.由in the past 可知,wish 后的宾语从句表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,故用had eaten.31. B.空格处引导定语从句,指代逗号前的整个句子,故用which.32. D.题意:人在做体育活动时,脂肪分解得更快.break down分解.33. A.tell 与Tom之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且该动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,故用其动词-ing形式的完成被动式.34. B.由James was fired 可知,“他的行为违反了公司的规定(regulations)”.35. D.由In my opinion, he isn't the best player in the team 可知,答话者认为“伊凡被选为校篮球队的队长”这件事不可思议,故选D项.完形填空:话题:个人情况本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述了作者在医院的工作和感受.36. A.由上文的As a nurse, ... and medicines可知,“我”是在这里“工作(working)”.37. D.由nurse 和ward 两个关键词可知,此处是指“医院(hospital)”.38. C.39. B.和“其它(other)”病房相比,我们非常忙以至于没人“喜欢(enjoys)”在我们病房工作.40. D.我们要一直工作到很晚,“而(while)”其他人都能按时回家.41. C.由上文的we are so busy ... 和We would be working till late hours ...可知,起初“我”也“拒绝(refused)”被派往这里.42. A.由第四段中的内容可知,作者在这里工作了几年之后,心中充满“感激(thankful)”之情.43. D.由下文的I am proud of my job 可知,“我”喜欢在这里值夜班.44. B.内科病房的工作是最忙碌的,所以工作的担子也比别的病房要“ 重(heavier)”.45. D.由后面的have our late night meal on time 可知,要想按时吃上夜宵就得先“完成(finish)”工作.46. A.由下文的like deaths, call bells in between, ... and more 可知,“意外的(Unexpected)”事情有时候会发生.47. C.家属们来“找(look for)”他们住院的亲人.48. B.由上文的内容可知,在内科病房工作会很“累(Tired)”.49. A.由第四段中的内容可知,“我”最终在这里找到了“我”的“快乐(happiness)”.50. D.虽然压力让“我”心烦意乱,也“降低了(lowered)”“我”的自尊,但是它从来没有让“我”放弃过帮助别人.51. C.由下文的Those little things ... are nota waste of time 可知,“我”发现自己喜欢“帮助别人(lending a helping hand)”.52. A.让他们拥有被关心的“感觉(feeling)”.53. D.由上文的I find myself fond of 51 a helping hand ... 可知,此处指“帮助(Helping)”同事.54. B.55. C.作为一名护士,作者每天会接触各种病人.由in just a second and while we're young and capable 可以推知“死亡(Death)”会瞬间发生,所以当我们年轻并且有能力的时候,应该尽可能给别人“提供(offer)”帮助.阅读理A篇(个人情况)本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述了骨瘦如柴的Lizzie Velasquez 如何乐观正视自己的外表并著书帮助他人的故事.56. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的最后一句Although she eats up to 60 small meals ...only 27 kilograms or so 可知,她的体重和其年龄并不相符.57. A.词义猜测题.由第二段中的People often stare, make rude comments or send unkind e-mails 可知,人们常常盯着Lizzie看,说些难听的话或是给她发一些不友善的电子邮件,这些行为深深地伤害了她.58. C.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Lizzie shares advice ... inside of someone 等信息可知,她写书的目的是为了帮助更多像她一样的人.59. B.推理判断题.由文中的her appearance can be surprising at first sight 和I ...try to show people how beautiful I am inside 可以推知,Lizzie Velasquez 在试图告诉人们不要以貌取人.B篇(文学)本文是应用文.文章主要介绍了几本适合孩子们放学之后阅读的书.60. A.细节理解题.由The Great Kapok Tree 一节中的Birds, butterflies and other animals ... among all living things 可知,本书主要向我们讲述了保护树木的重要性.61. C.细节理解题.由A Drop Around the World 一节中的Traveling with Drop, readers will see the world from solid, liquid and vaporous viewpoints 可知,跟随水滴一起旅行会让你对地球上的水循环有更多的了解.62. B.数字计算题.由The Great Kapok Tree 一节中的a kapok tree in a rainforest和he walks out of the rainforest 以及List Price: $8.00 (10% off)可知正确选项应该是B.63. D.推理判断题.由文章首段中的Any plans after school? ... Now the following books are a good choice 可知,本文主要向孩子们介绍了几本课外读物.C篇(社会)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了一个帮助女孩子认识美的真谛的活动.64. C.细节理解题.由第一段中Anna 所说的All these words are what makes me beautiful 可知,她认为一个人内在品质的好坏才是判断漂亮与否的标准.65. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的The program's goals are to help girls and young women build healthy levels of self-esteem和self-esteem means how you feel about yourself可知A项说法正确.66. B.段落大意题.根据第四段的train teachers to present the program material ...Schools and groups present the program 可知,该段主要讲述了Beautiful Me 这一项目是如何运作的,故选B项.67. A.写作目的题.本文向我们介绍了一个帮助女孩子认识美的真谛的活动.D篇(自然)本文是议论文.文章主要针对是否应该让灭绝的动物复活进行了讨论.68. A.细节理解题.前两段讲的都是使已经灭绝的动物复活的问题,第三段中的In the April 5 ... this new opinion of de-extinction从正面提出了“抵制灭绝”这个概念.69. D.推理判断题.由第五段中的A reintroduced species ... in this new environment可知,Greely 认为那些灭绝的动物复活后可能会给当今的环境带来危害.70. D.标题归纳题.作者在文中主要针对复活灭绝的动物进行了讨论——如果使其复活会产生哪些问题.选做题参考答案及解析参考答案1-5 CCDAB    6-10 CDBAB解析A篇(个人情况)本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述了Tippi在丛林中的传奇经历. 1. C.推理判断题.由第一段中的he would have never guessed ... a similar life 可知,其目的是为了引出Tippi 的故事,介绍Tippi 的相似经历. 2. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的内容可知, 因为长期生活在丛林中,Tippi 几乎不怕那里的动物,由此可以推知她已经习惯了那 里的生活. 3. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的Mowgli, a boy who was adopted and raised by wolves和第三段中的unlike Mowgli, Tippi's parents were always around to protect her 可知 D项说法正确. 4. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的Tippi was exposed to the wildlife ... she was born 和最后一段中的Her magical life ended when she turned ten 可知,Tippi 在丛林中生活了大约十年. 5. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Tippi, My Book of Africa, which has become a huge hit among animal fans 可以推知,喜欢动物的孩子们最有可能读这本书. B篇(艺术)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了画家John Pugh和他的三维立体壁画. 6. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的Two students stand ... just ahead 和That's because the seating area is actually a life-size painting 可知,这两个学生正在欣赏一幅画. 7. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的a group of firefighters ran over ... it was only a painting 可知,这些孩子只是画中的人物,所以作者加了引号. 8. B.细节理解题.前两段介绍的是同一幅图画,第三、四两段分别介绍了一幅,故总共提到三幅画. 9. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的part of a building's wall has fallen down, showing an ancient Egyptian storeroom 和the Egyptian scene includes a human figure ... looking into the storeroom 可知,第四段描述的图画是A项. 10. B.写作目的题.本文主要介绍了画家 John Pugh 和他的三幅三维立体壁画,故选B项.
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