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琦     我会等你回来ヽ直到地球毁灭的那一天   人前面,我点支烟佯装自己无所

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 08:44:27
琦     我会等你回来ヽ直到地球毁灭的那一天   人前面,我点支烟佯装自己无所谓世事; 谁了解,墙壁下我只留背影的孤独,
Qi,I will wait for you till the destroy of the earth.
In front of others,I light a cigarette pretending that I am careless of affairs of human life.
Who knows that I am lonely waiting under the wall.