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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:25:14
my beloved girl:12 years ago a baby was born,she became the love of our family,the day after 12 years,she becomes taller and more beautiful.She is my angel as well as my family,She is my danghter a girl who loves her family,her friend .It is my daughter' s birthday today ,it is my honor to stand here representing all of my family to give you my happiness at this party.I am glad that you can come to this party for my girl's birthday.I just want to tell my girl that we will love you forever no matter how far away you are from us ,no matter where you are,I wish you that you could be heathy forever and live a optimistic life.I also hope that you can have a beautiful mind in your life.Time goes on ,earth turns around,the unique thing that never changes are our friendship and kinship.我深爱的女孩:12年前一个婴儿呱呱坠地,她享受着我们家庭的爱,12年后的今天,她长高了,变漂亮了,她是我乃至整个家庭的天使,她就是我的女孩,一个深爱她家人,关爱她朋友的女孩.今天是我女儿12周岁生日,我站在这里,代表我们全家,感到荣幸以这个生日宴会给大家带来欢乐.我也很高兴你们各位能够莅临现场,参加我女儿的生日宴会.在此,我想告诉我的女儿无论你在哪里,无论你离我们有多远,我们将永远爱着你.我也希望你能够永远健康,生活积极乐观向上,在你一生中保持一颗仁慈的心.如有什么语法错误请指出,