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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:50:06
Yang 1
Shiyi Yang
Dr. Jill MacLachlan
English 1130-012
January 18, 2009
Summary of Deborah Tannen’s “TV’s War of World”
In “TV’s War of World”, Deborah Tannen points out that due to the “argument culture” which means that the same as agreement, arguments are necessary for people to solve the problems and understand the information, the “television debate programs” have appeared; however, this kind of programs now is far away from its original aim and exists some defects (212). To begin with, Tannen argues that current “television debate programs” couldn’t help people think over the issue deeply and dialectically since the debate’s purpose which is to win makes the issue have only one obvious conclusion and doesn’t allow both sides to exist at the same time (213). Then, Tannen notes that instead of discussing one issue deeply, a debate show is always divided into some parts to report several issues rather than analyze them (213). In addition, Tannen states that the television debate show is filled with endless arguments which sometimes are against ethics and it also couldn’t allow people to express their own idea completely because of the “short-down” form (213-14). Finally, Tannen explains what kind of TV program is popular among the audience and the reason why producers tend to make such kind of debate, which is to promote the interest of the audience and increase the audience ratings (214).
Summary of Deborah Tannen’s “TV’s War of World”[去掉引号,用斜体,下同]
In “TV’s War of World”,Deborah Tannen points out that due to the[the删掉]“argument culture” which means that the same as agreement,arguments are necessary for people to solve the[the删掉] problems and understand the information[understand不带这么用的,换成help communications或者remove misunderstandings之类的吧],[这句从句结构有问题,建议改成 where arguments are necessary.just like fuctions of agreements] the [the删掉]“television debate programs” have appeared[用spring up涌现,没有必要用完成时]; [用句号吧,英文中分号其实用的不多的,一般法条中12345的列举才比较多用]however[如果用句号就大写],this kind of programs now is far away [away去掉,far away from习惯用语时间距离上的远离,要强调的话far前面加much]from its original aim[用purpose,intent比较好,不过后面看到有用purpose,避免重复,这里用intent比较好] and exists some defects (212).To begin with,Tannen argues that current “television debate programs” couldn’t[can not就可以了] help people think over the issue [think本身就有思考的意思,over the issue删掉] deeply and dialectically since the debate’s purpose [吹毛求疵一点,用purpose of debates更好,书面一点] which is to win [这句用作从句中的主句,改成is completely to win,]makes the issue have only one obvious conclusion and doesn’t allow both sides to exist at the same time (213)[这句改成从句which makes problems only have one obvious conclusion and doesn’t allow different opinions of others].Then,Tannen notes that instead of discussing one issue [ topic比较确切]deeply,a debate show is always divided into some [different比较确切] parts to report several issues [topics比较确切]rather than analyze them (213).In addition,Tannen states [metions更好]that the television debate show is filled with endless arguments which sometimes are against ethics and it also couldn’t [改成also does not ]allow people to express their own idea completely because of the “short-down” form (213-14).Finally,Tannen explains what kind of TV program [programs] is popular among the audience and the reason [reasons] why producers tend to make such kind of debate [debates],which [,which删掉]is to promote the interest of the audience and increase the audience ratings (214).
Summary of Deborah Tannen’s TV’s War of World[斜体,下同]
In TV’s War of World,Deborah Tannen points out that due to "argument culture" where arguments are necessary for people to solve problems and help communications just like agreements,"television debate programs" spring up.However,this kind of programs now is much far from its original intent and exists some defects (212).To begin with,Tannen argues that current “television debate programs" can not help people think deeply and dialectically since purpose of debases is completely to win which makes problems only have one obvious conclusion and doesn’t allow different opinions of (213)[这句改成从句].Then,Tannen notes that instead of discussing one topic deeply,a debate show is always divided into different parts to report several topics rather than analyze them (213).In addition,Tannen metions that the television debate show is filled with endless arguments which sometimes are against ethics and it also does not allow people to express their own idea completely because of the “short-down” form (213-14).Finally,Tannen explains what kind of TV programs is popular among the audience and the reason [reasons] why producers tend to make such kind of debates is to promote the interest of the audience and increase the audience ratings (214).