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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:51:52
13.这座雕像的人物是他们曾经的校长John Whitespoon,它是独立宣言的签署者之一
1. I stay in Canada for 14 days, during this period, I visited the city as follows: (slightly)
2. London is Canada's first ten cities, but I always thought it hasn't nanjing's big. The city is very fit for human habitation, quiet beautiful full of fun
3. We only need to pay $5 can filled a whole box of blueberries and, in the process of picking aleatoric taste
4. Quebec city is Canada's first nine cities, old city still retained 18th century French urban landscape, North America a historic city. 95% of residents are only speak French, so there we visit, have certain communication difficulties
5. In Quebec, you everywhere sees this carriage.
6. This is the ancient city wall and repair sites
7. The waterfall thickand horseshoe-shaped like ", "in front of the waterfall, our boat looks so small
8. This is the American liberty bell, faces engraved with the bible saying: "to the world of all people proclaim liberty." There is a large crack.
9. This is Hollywood theme park, there are many attractions, similar to a theme amusement park.
10. This is civilized xingguangdadao, this is Michael Jackson's name stars
11. West point was the first American college to military school. This is the west point cathedral. West point is very strict schedules and if you arrive late or falling asleep in the class, you will face a very harsh punishment, guide once told us they punish content, I'm sorry I forgot.
12. We just met just military training, some even finish recruiting injured, visible military training hard.
13. The statue of characters is they once principal John Whitespoon, it is one of those who signed the declaration of independence
14. In Washington, d.c., we visited the Lincoln memorial, Thomas Jefferson memorial hall
15. On the relief of a word in my opinion a bit ridiculous
英语翻译1.今天我的演讲内容是关于我在美国和加拿大的旅程2.我们去了一个叫伦敦的城市 当然这不是英国的伦敦 3.我们在一 我在加拿大,转换插头忘带了,我用的是iphone4s,但是插在加拿大的插头上也能充. 英语翻译1.有两千多万居住在上海2.Kevin来自伦敦,他是英国人3.加拿大首都是渥太华4.我去过西藏,他离上海很远 英语翻译翻译:我十分喜欢加拿大这个国家,我认为:如果我在加拿大上学,我会非常开心.而且,加拿大十分的漂亮.在这其中,最主 这个加拿大地址的邮编这是我一个在加拿大的朋友的地址,但看不懂,可以有谁为我翻译否?感激不尽!3499 Ashcroft 英语翻译内容如下:很高兴收到你的来信.我一直期待着到达加拿大的那天.你说那边下雪了,我很想摸一摸.我生活在中国的南方,冬 英语翻译中国历史悠久,物产丰富.那间窗子朝南的房子是我的.很多人在淘金过程中发了财.魁北克是加拿大最北部的城市.他在美国 英语翻译1、我想你们还没有见过面吧2、你来这多长时间了3、请允许我自我接收一下,我叫大为·古德曼,是来自加拿大的交换生4 加拿大的电话号码我的手机收到了一个加拿大打来的业务电话,手机上的显示号码为:00019685****,请问这是加拿大的座 我尽了最大的努力 我尽了最大的努力 我在加拿大安大略省伦敦市上高中的最后一年,几个同学劝我竞选学生会主席一职.我是个“书 我尽了最大努力 我尽了最大的努力我在加拿大安大略省伦敦市上高中的最后一年,几个同学劝我竞选学生会主席一职.我是个“书呆子 英语翻译我一直在办理移民,前一阵子加拿大的萨省已经对我正式提名了,让我把剩余相关材料寄到加拿大北京大使馆,寄出去了一星期