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英语翻译1.今天我的演讲内容是关于我在美国和加拿大的旅程2.我们去了一个叫伦敦的城市 当然这不是英国的伦敦 3.我们在一

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:08:38
2.我们去了一个叫伦敦的城市 当然这不是英国的伦敦
4.老师教我们打领带 还介绍了许多加拿大的民族文化等等 例如:图腾 加拿大当地的动物 风景名胜等等
5.我们还有了一次学习打棒球的机会 我觉得这非常有趣
6.我们去了COOKING CLASS 做了许多美味的食物 并亲自品尝
7.尼亚加拉瀑布非常漂亮 但是越靠近瀑布水雾就越多 所以镜头是湿的
8.这不是一个雕像 而是活人扮演的 如果你往他面前的帽子里扔硬币 会有非常有趣的事情发生 让我们来看一个视频吧
9.这是一个标本 不是真的狼 看很可爱吧
11.加拿大的大学很有现代感 并没有太多古老的建筑 但都是不错的学校
12.在美国 我们游览许多有名的大学 有普林斯顿大学 哥伦比亚大学 西点军校
13.在西点军校 我们正巧赶上新兵军训结束 听导游说 他们要负重步行几十公里 非常辛苦 我还看到有的兵受伤了打着绷带回来 很凄惨的模样
14.在游览普林斯顿大学时 有一个特别的环节 正好遇上这个学校毕业的学生在学校的教堂里举行婚礼 场面非常热闹和浪漫
15.这是我们的带队老师 这是和玛丽莲梦露的蜡像的合影 有点猥琐的感觉
16.在渥太华 我们游览了国会大厦 这就是国会大厦 很壮观也很漂亮
17.学校曾有一个老师在金陵中学河西分校做过外教 不知道有没有同学认识她
18.这是我们的宿舍楼 然后这是我们的房间 是一个三人间
19.我们学校只有4个同学参加了这次夏令营 我们和张家港外国语学校的师生拼团一起去的
( 基本上就是这些了 辛苦翻译的人啦~)
1. Hello everybody My speech today is about my journey in the United States and Canada
2. We went to a city called London, of course, this is not London, England
3. We called in a study at the school LONDON INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY
4. Teacher taught us a lot of ties also introduced Canada's national culture, etc. For example: animal totems local attractions in Canada, etc.
5. We also have an opportunity to learn baseball, I think this is very interesting
6. We went to the COOKING CLASS done a lot of delicious food and enjoy yourself
7. Niagara Falls is very beautiful but the more closer to the waterfall mist so the lens is wet
8. This is not a statue but a living playing in front of him if you go to throw coins in the hat will be a very interesting thing happened to look at a video bar
9. This is a specimen not really look very cute wolf
10. World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1943, and U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the Quebec Conference is Castle Hotel Frontenac Fong held. Conference room to discuss whether to open a second front on the
11. Canada's University is very modern and not too many old school buildings but they are good
12. In America, we visit the many famous universities in West Point, Princeton University, Columbia University
13. We happened to catch up with the recruits at West Point military end of the tour guides said they heard dozens of kilometers on foot to weight bearing is very hard, I also saw some soldiers wounded bandaged look back very miserable
14. Princeton University in the tour when there is a special part coincided with the graduation of students in the school church wedding scene is very lively and romantic
15. It is led by our teachers and this is a picture of Marilyn Monroe's wax feeling a little insignificant
16. In Ottawa, we visited Parliament House Parliament House which is very impressive very pretty
17. There was a school teacher in the west campus of Jinling Middle School teacher did not know if I have to know her students
18. This is our dormitory and then this is our room was a triple
19. Our school has only four students attended the summer camp we Zhangjiagang Foreign Language School teachers and students group together to go fight