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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/13 04:15:15
再问: 不是吧,据我了解,西班牙人从1492年开始发现美洲新大陆,一直到19世纪前期还在美洲大陆扩张,而且西班牙人也是通过不断的挑起土著部落的内斗来达到削弱印第安人的目标。不能说一下子这么轻巧吧
再答: 没错。。。 但是征服的速度比美国还要快。。。 比如: 阿兹特克 和印卡(两个大国)。 而英国的殖民地只有一小部分(其他的好像是 法国和西班牙, 还有土著) 和他们的制度有关吧(我的老师说过,但是我忘了) After eradicating a large portion of the Native American population, the Spanish began to intermarry into the Native American gene pool. Consequently, only portions of the population were pureblooded Spaniards. These Spaniards occupied the highest social and political status. Those from Spain were one step above those born in the New World while those of mixed or Indian heritage were at the bottom of the social ladder Englishmen migrated to the New World not as conquerors but rather because they wanted independence, political freedom, and economic opportunity.
再问: 但这能说明问题吗,西班牙征服速度跟种族歧视有什么关联?