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英语语法问题老师问几个问题But brain researchers have discovered that when

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 06:08:28
But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits,we create parallel synaptic paths,and even entirely new brain cells,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.这个句子前面几个符号都理解,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.这个句子不是一个整句子吗为什么要加逗号.
I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities— those of love and of reason—are the aims of all social arrangements.这个句子的两处定语从句in which感觉加不加感觉上in和翻译上都说得通啊.不太理解
比如这个句子the classroom in which we study is very big.这个句子可改为we study in the classroom
那么同样maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves in the industrialism 和maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves 前者感觉有点多余啊.
But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel synaptic paths, and even entirely new brain cells,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.这个句子前面几个符号是为了意群停顿
,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.这是分隔式限制性定语从句修饰的是 new habits中间插入了宾语从句中的主句.
I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities— those of love and of reason—are the aims of all social arrangements.这个句子的两处定语从句in which,前者作定从中的表语
比如这个句子the classroom in which we study is very big.这个句子可改为we study in the classroom
定从意思应该是maximal production and consumption are in the industrialism .
ends in themselves 中themselves指的是maximal production and consumption与the industrialism是两回事
再问: 我表述上有问题that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.我意思这个从句在new和tracks之间为什么有逗号。
maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves 这个句子假如不考虑in which可以翻译为“最大限度生产和消费为其目的产业制度”也通顺
再答: new和innovative之间的逗号相当于and。因为这两个词是同义词所以用逗号

纠正一下我的看法。 两个in which 都是定从中的状语
transform是"transform sth. from ... into..."结构,译为"把„。。从„。。转变为„。。"。
句中两个in which分别修饰其先行词industrialism,
翻译时宜采用前置法。两个破折号之间的those of love and of reason
in which是定从中状语