作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 02:19:14
有一天,孩子们在放学的路上看见一辆卡车,当车拐弯时,掉了一包大米。孩子们帮助捡起大米,一辆摩托车过来了,骑摩托车的人没看见那包大米,所以被撞倒了。孩子们就分成两组,一组留下来搬米袋,另一组把那个人送进了医院。 请用上这些词:卡车:truck 摩托车:motorbike 拐弯:turn the corner 撞:hit 掉:drop 分组:divide into 组:group 请老师用初二的水平解决谢谢,要不然我看不懂。
解题思路: 如下
One day, some children saw a truck on their way home after school. Suddenly they saw a bag of rice drop from the truck when it was turning the corner. The children wanted to move the bag. At this time, a young man on his motorbike rode quickly round the corner. He was travelling too fast to stop his motorbike and it hit the bag. He was badly hurt. The students divided into two groups. One group moved the bag and the motorbike. The other group took the young man to the hospital.