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frying potatoes和fried potatoes 有啥区别?新概念3 lesson 23 第一段

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:08:25
frying potatoes和fried potatoes 有啥区别?新概念3 lesson 23 第一段
我觉得frying potatoes是还没有炸好的土豆,后者是已经炸好的.
fry 1
1 / fraɪ; fraɪ/ v (pt,pp fried / fraɪd; fraɪd/)
[I,Tn] cook (sth) or be cooked in boiling fat or oil 油煎; 油炸:fried chicken 炸鸡 * bacon frying in the pan 在煎锅里煎着的腌肉.=>Usage at cook 用法见cook.
(idm 习语) have bigger/other fish to fry => fish1.
# `frying-pan (US `fry-pan) n
1 flat shallow pan with a long handle,used for frying food 长柄平底浅锅(煎锅).=>illus at pan 见pan插图.
2 (idm 习语) out of the `frying-pan into the `fire from a bad situation to one that is worse 跳出油锅又入火坑; 愈来愈糟; 每况愈下.
`fry-up n (Brit) (dish of) fried food,esp bacon,eggs,sausages,etc 油煎食品(菜肴)(尤指腌肉、 蛋、 香肠等):We always have a fry-up for Saturday lunch.我们星期六的午饭总有一道油煎菜.fry 2
/ fraɪ; fraɪ/ n [pl v]
young or newly hatched fishes 小鱼; 鱼苗.
(idm 习语) `small fry => small.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法:When cooking we generally use 1 boiling water (in a saucepan) or 2 boiling fat/oil (in a frying-pan) or 3 dry heat (in an oven or under a grill).使用cook一词时,一般是指用(1)沸水(置於深锅中)或(2)热的动[植]物油(置於煎锅中)或(3)直接加热(置於烤炉中或烤架上).
1 We boil vegetables,eggs,rice,etc by covering them with water and heating it.将蔬菜、 鸡蛋、 大米等浸於水中煮叫boil.*We steam fish,puddings,etc by placing the food above boiling water.将鱼、 布丁等置於沸水上蒸叫steam.*
2 Meat,fish,vegetables,etc can be fried in shallow oil or fat.将肉、 鱼、 蔬菜等放在少许植物油或动物油里煎叫fry.*Chips,chicken pieces,etc can be completely covered by oil and deep-fried.将土豆条、 鸡块等完全浸入油中炸叫deep-fry.*We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil.用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒叫saute.*
3 We roast large pieces of meat,potatoes,etc and we bake bread,cakes,etc in the oven.在烤箱里烘烤大块的肉、 土豆等叫roast,烘烤面包、 糕饼等叫bake.*Small or flat pieces of meat,fish,etc are grilled (US broiled) by being placed under direct heat.将小块的或切成片的肉、 鱼等置於发热器下面烘烤叫grill(美式英语叫broil).*Boil,fry,roast and bake can be used in two types of sentence *boil、 fry、 roast、 bake可用於以下两种句型:We boil potatoes and The potatoes are boiling.Steam,saute and grill are generally only used in the first pattern.*steam、 saute、 grill一般只用於以上第一种句型.With boil we often use the container to refer to its contents 用boil时常以容器借代其所盛之物:The kettle's boiling.壼开了.